My Summer is really boring. Is your summer boring too?

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All of my friends are going to camps and everything so I can’t hang out with them and I don’t like going to camps so I’m not going.
I’ve basically just been in my room on the computer, reading or stuff like that. I have a YouTube channel and I’ve made videos, but that gets old pretty quick. And I’m 15 so I can’t drive and my parents NEVER want to do anything! I always say, “Why don’t we all go bowling today!” And then they say, “We don’t feel like it. We have all Summer to do that.” Well ALL SUMMER you say no to everything!
I’ve helped out at a school for 2 days this Summer and that was pretty fun, but now the school doesn’t need anymore help so I can’t do that. And I feel so sad right now, because my parents always say, “Your always in your room! You need to do something!” But every time I want to do something fun they say no.
I guess my question is, how is your Summer? Is it fun or boring?



  1. My summer is going to be epic!! Me and my mates are going on Holiday to the Isle of Wight, and then I'm going on holiday to see my family for two weeks, and then I'm going to the Reading Music festival right before I go back to school!! All that is pretty much happening in August though, and I get off school 22nd of June, so I''ll have like nothing to do for a month and a bit, I wont be able to go out cos I'll have to save up for my holidays. Why don't you get a job, that's what I think I'll have to do. Just something part time, or just for the summer, and then you can have more excuses to go shopping (maybe your mum will be more willing to take you places if you're using your own money..?? Maybe) Why don't you plan activities in advance, and be like 'okay, let's go bowling on Tuesday and then swimming on Friday', instead of asking on the day, and then you'll have already planned it and everything, and so you'll have to go! Do you have an siblings? Maybe you could do something with them? My friend really likes looking after children cos she has quite a few younger siblings, and she didn't want a job stacking shelves or something, so she made up a leaflet listing stuff like how she's helpful, will do cleaning, babysitting, reliable, and put the leaflets through people's doors, like the people who lived near her and she got a job with some really nice people who give her a load of money?!! You could try something like that? Or, do you have any other family members that live relatively near? You could go round to their place, or go out with them for the day. There must be SOMEONE who hasn't gone away to camp, why don't you try to become better friends with them, if they're there lol Anywayyss, goodluck, and I hope you have a cool summer!! :)))
  2. + -

    you should make videos on yotube where you dance

  3. + -

    it’s winter here, and it’s boring because there’s no snow…

  4. + -

    YES OMG IM SO BORED I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!! my parents won’t let me go anywhere! and im 15 too! all of my friends want to hang out and no i can’t go anywhere!!!

  5. + -

    My summer is unfortunately not working out the way I wanted it to. I wanted to cut paper, and cook, and sew, but Mom is making me do essays. *sigh* Why me? I guess she just likes reading essays! I don’t have time to be bored.

  6. + -

    My summer is stressful and sort of just there.

    Having relationship issues, questioning who my friends are, taking summer classes (in my third almost going onto 4th year of college), and I’m thinking about the guy who I was with last summer and how much of a jerk he was yet I want to hang out with him still a little deep down despite being in a relationship- (but it’s a relationship that’s slowly crumbling.)

  7. + -

    SAME here, girl! I know what you mean! I hate camps or tent camping, but every other weekend I go camping with my family in our travel-trailer, so that’s fun, but still…basically I just read and blah blah. It’s ALWAYS the same. My parents don’t want to do anything either, except work. They don’t get the fact that it’s SUMMER and we should be doing fun things before time runs out! But nooo. Hey, if you want, I can watch your youtube videos?? I’m not even ALLOWED to make videos on youtube, lame right? But yeah, to answer your question, my Summer has been boring. VERY boring. Sharri<3

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