Is it sad to go on holiday with your grandmother?

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Okay, so I am 19 years old, it is currently the end of the summer holidays here in the uk, and all my friends are either all abroad at the moment on holiday or they’re getting ready for uni. I don’t get on with my mum as she is extremely argumentitive and very difficult to live with, let alone go on holiday with and is awful at planning and in the past every single holiday we have been on together we have become stranded in a foreign country because of her not buying her return tickets in advance and losing money and then shouting at my grandparents to pay for her hotel bills over the phone etc, once we had to sleep at a coach station in Barcelona for 2 days. She also loves drama and when her friend came on holiday with us, it caused a huge row between my mum and her friend because my mum booked the holiday the day befor our new passports came so her friend was stranded outside at a bus station alone for a night.

But anyway, me and my grandmother get on extremely well, I would say I was closest to her out of anyone else in my whole family. I spent the whole of last summer with her in Sweden for 2 and a half months and we didn’t have a single argument at all.

I would enjoy a holiday with her, but would it be sad? I’m not embaressed of her or anything, but would it be seen as a bit odd for a 19 year old to go on holiday with their grandmother? My grandmother is very young at heart and very lively so I doubt it would be boring. Should I ask her to come on holiday with me for a few days somewhere in the countryside of England? What do you guys think? I was thinking about going somewhere like Isle of Wight but I’m not sure yet..



  1. No lol,I love my gramma & I'm not embarrassed to say that,or spend time with her :)
  2. + -

    No its not sad, go have fun playing bingo !

  3. + -

    No. I would be honored. Spend as much time with those that really love you as you can…

  4. + -

    Perfectly fine. If you love her, who gives a hoot what others think. And it.s not like your friend will see you.

  5. + -

    no-when she is gone u will miss her n u will be glad of the bingo memories-trust!

  6. + -

    We all only life once and you seem to really love your grandma. I wouldn’t find it awkward, it would be kind of sweet because a lot of people don’t even talk to their grandparents these days. You should take her :] Shame your relationship with your mom is sour :/

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