I migh want to move to the isle of wight from america… im 18 good idea or no…?

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my stepdads from the isle of wight…. is it extremely way to expensive tomove there from america at the age of 18? would it be pretty easy to find a job and go to school out there??? my step sisters live there so im pretty sure i could stay there for a bit…. but just curious….



  1. It is possibly the most boring part of Britain, inhabited almost entirely by middle-aged people in bungalows. I'd recommend against it, unless you come from Kansas or somewhere, in which case you'll probably find it tremendously exciting.
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    Yes, it will make your life!

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    See if you can stay on an extended vacation or something over there to help decide if it’ll work for ya.

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    The Isle of Wight is a beautiful place; my dad’s family all come from there, but it is not really the best place for an 18 year old. There is no university, although there is one in Portsmouth across the Solent and another in Southampton. There does seem to be a higher than usual number of older people there, many people go to the Isle of Wight when they retire. There are many holiday jobs available, but these are seasonal; usually only during the short summer months.
    It is very expensive to buy a house there, and renting is also expensive. If you have family there it may not be too bad. Maybe you could come over for the summer and see how you like it. It can be quiet especially in the winter. There are things to do and lovely places to visit, but you could see it all in just a day or two.

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    no cause Americans are used to doughnuts and big cities and isle of wight is just nothing!!!

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    Go for it, as you get older with a husband, kids etc. it will become much more difficult to have such an adventure!

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    You should visit first. Ask your step sisters if you can come stay for an extended trip — maybe 3 – 6 months. You can get an idea of whether you like it or not.

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    This is a big decision to weigh. I am not sure about where you want to move, but I know that you should really think about it. If you cannot for whatever reason make it out there, are you srue your stepsisters will help you? Are you absolutely positive you as an 18 year old can make it there? The reason I ask is because so many times people at the age of 18 go out on their own and cannot hack it as they thought they could, no matter how capable they truly are, because people take advantage of them or do not take them seriously. A small example is I am on my own with my boyfriend in a place of our own just a city over from my family, and because I am 19, my landlord doesn’t take me seriously. When my soon to be mother-in-law calls in she gets stuff done, I say the EXACT same thing as her, and nothing gets done. My storage unit is not ready and we are on our second lease now, my screen door is broken, and my AC has no filter. I no these are just trivial things, but if I am taken advantage of on simple cheap things like this, what says you wont. If you have family out there you know you can rely on, I’d say go for it, if you feel it will be an easier life. If you cannot be sure, I would wait off and just get everything in line before you decide on going, maybe take a trip there and scout out a good place to live etc, because you don’t want to have to live off family from the start, and you don’t want to be taken in a place that is unfamiliar to you. Hope this helps, and hope everything works out for you. I want to tell you to go for it have fun, but you need to know that it is a really big risk,espeically because your age (I know people say ‘you are too young’ too often, I get that too, but being roughly the same age I can tell you, people take advantage of young adults too often than not). Good luck!

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    Well, the question is how you would even get permission to live in the UK. Sure your stepsisters are allowed to be there, but you can’t claim citizenship through a step-parent. Second, if you want to get a feel for the place go over for several months as a tourist and see what it’s like.

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    Whilst the Isle of Wight is lovely the only way on or off the island is by ferry. The job market is limited since it’s a relatively small island and much work is seasonal since it’s a holiday destination. Islanders refer to off-islanders as ‘Grockles’. By all means visit the UK perhaps as a student, but after the US the Isle of Wight would seem terribly small.

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    life is all about adventure. what have you to lose? if it comes your way then bite off huge mouthfulls. you only get one shot at life. enjoy it, and good luck.

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    Do you realise how small the Isle of White is ? You probably have Schools in the US bigger than the Isle of White, I’m talking tiny honey.

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