Why are the Liberal Democrats so popular and electorally successful in Cornwall?

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  1. Having lived on the Isle of Wight during the period when Steve Ross was the MP, I can only suggest that if the Cornwall success is anything similar it has to do with an insular community who tend to vote en-masse. The Island, like Cornwall has a different agenda to the rest of the country and if the have a Liberal MP, chances are he/she will have a pretty strong position within the party and be high profile as the party spokesman on say agriculture, which would mean that he would be seen and heard as specifically representing the interests of the region. They probably figure that they have a greater chance of representing their wishes in parliament with this voting stance.
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    Maybe they’re happy supporting a party who’ll never be in a position of power, who don’t know what they stand for, and who are selling this country out to the EU. Either that or they’ve all slept with Nick Clegg.

    Friedrich – clean and not corrupted? The party who abstained in the Commons on the decision of having a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty causing three of it’s front bench members to resign, but who are voting against it in the Lords. This despite their 2005 manifesto pledge to give the people a referendum. I would call that absolute corruption to the EU.

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    In 2 party societies always a 3rd party seems to be the alternative to solve apparently unsolvable problems. The LD seem to be clean and not corrupted. And Cornwall is a Celtic population where people ask their emotions and not the intellect.

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    Liberal Democrats try their best to solve problems.

  5. + -

    To the bloke that said inbreeding shutup! We are not inbred!

    Anyway I am Cornish and don’t support Liberal democrats! In fact I don’t know anyone that does around my area!

    That article you got a link to is rubbish ST Ive’s is one small town in the County so why would that make us all liberal democrats?? Thats a completely different part of Cornwall to where I live so like I said before that doesn’t make us all like liberal democrats does it??

    In fact I would say Conservatives are the most popular (although I support Labour) in this area as there are thousands of Farmers and hunters in Cornwall!

    I’m fed up of so many people stereotyping Cornwall because of a minority of people!

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