Can the Isle of Wight obtain the same political status as the Isle of Man?

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If the majority of the people of the Isle of Wight ask for independence from the UK can they get it?



  1. I think "if" is the key word. I believe there was a (very) minor separatist movement a bit back but it came to nothing. EDIT: I managed to post that without actually answering the question! Basically if the people wanted independence I don't see any reason how they couldn't have it, but I suspect they're perfectly happy with the current arrangement.
  2. + -

    No. The Isle of Wight is an integral part of the United Kingdom, has no history of independence and meets none of the criteria that gives the Isle of Man its independent status.

  3. + -

    Are they an extension of Hampshire? Then probably not.

  4. + -

    No to start with The isle of Man is not part of the UK and never has been in fact it has the oldest unbroken Parliament in the world founded by the Vikings in 979 and The Queen is not the Queen in The Isle of Man she is Lord of Mann to give it the correct spelling.
    Secondly The isle of Wight is not only part of the United Kingdom it is also part of the County of Hampshire and it would take an act of parliament to change this which is not going to happen.

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