Is April a good time to visit Isle of Wight?

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Is April a good time to visit Isle of Wight? Is the shore too windy and chill or will it be good enough to take small walks?



  1. I think Dan is getting confused with the Isle of Man, which is somewhere (and something) else entirely - sorry Dan! The Isle of Wight is fine in April - don't expect to be sat on the beach in your shorts, but it will be fine. Having spent many New Years Days walking Isle of Wight beaches, any time of year is fine for a little walk as far as I'm concerned! However by April, you've got a reasonable chance of pleasant sunny days and providing you're sensibly dressed you'll be fine. Typically you can expect 12-16 degrees celcius, whether it rains or not is down to your luck, and it will probably be breezy at the beach.
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    There is a big race every year, if you’re not into motorcycle racing avoid this time.
    April on the shore sounds chilly to me, but I’ve never been there.

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    In late April, there is a small chance of very nice weather. It will certainly be good enough for small walks. It will be relatively free of tourists.

    There won’t be any motorcycle racing. That’s the Isle of Man!

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