If i lived on the Isle of Wight would i have to pay the ferry charge?

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If i moved to the Isle of Wight would i have to pay the ferry charge every time i wished to go back to the mainland??

This would prove to be very expensive if i worked in Southampton etc wouldn’t it?Or if i wished to go shopping t the major retail centres?

It would turn into a prison if i couldn’t afford the ferry fee’s wouldn’t it???

Isn’t there a rebate for residents?
I guess living on the Isle of Wight would be like being a convict being transported over to the colonies.. Once there you have to pay for your own return!!!!



  1. Sadly, no, I don't think there are any concessions for I.O.W. residents. You could check with the ferry companies; you might be able to buy a long-term pass at a slightly reduced rate, but other than that,I think there are only concessions for disabled drivers.
  2. + -

    Yes you would have to pay.

    However, it’s cheaper to buy a return ticket on the Hovercraft if you start in Ryde rather than Southsea.

  3. + -

    Yes you can get a concession as an island resident however its mnot much. A quick tip: for some reason it often works out cheaper when you book two singles rather than one return.

  4. + -

    Why do you suspect, did they put Shanklin Prison, on there ?

    Its a bit like Wales..why would you go there..and you can get into Wales on the M$ for free..you have to pay to get back to civilisation….

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