Ever been to the Isle of Wight?

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And if so how did you escape?I live there and its still 1950 over here!



  1. I've been there several times on holiday and found it to be a lovely place, and I bet I've been to more places on the Island than most people who live there - and I've got the photo albums to prove it! I note that your two train services are quaint - the steam railway brings back all the memories of the Island when I was a kid, and I note that your other railway uses our ex-London tube trains to move most of the tourists from the end of the pier on their way to the hotels where the money they pay helps the economy of the Island. You have lots of lovely little places to visit and some nice beaches, and still you say you want to leave. I note with amusement, however, that you haven't ! ! !
  2. + -

    twice and yes tis very ‘quaint’.

  3. + -

    Been there on many occasions , I know what you mean , but it is a good place to chill & the natives are friendly ! lol
    Mind you with the price of the ferry fare it is hard to escape !

  4. + -

    Yes, I have…some years ago…it was very busy…actually bought a computer there too….

    I escaped by getting back on the Red Funnel ferry!

  5. + -

    Cowes Week can’t be all that bad?

  6. + -

    Lived most of my life within sight of it and occasionally visited.

    It is very strange, personally I escaped on the hovercraft but in dire need I believe swimming is an option 🙂

  7. + -

    Be gratefull to live there, its pace of life is much slower than the mainland. The people are much more friendly and the climate is said to be better than the mainland. A lovely place to live and to visit.

  8. + -

    Yes to see the she devil cow bag evil harridan who gave birth to me, believe me ,don’t go you could run into her, it has its coven base in Ryde, avoid it. The best way to escape is to persaude someone to build a solent tunnel, the ferries are not safe she has put a hex on all of them.

  9. + -

    no but id love to go there one day, is it better than the island of england

  10. + -

    Went once on the ship I worked on then went for a 3 day break last year. I do see what you mean. It does have some lovely areas though. Ventnor is nice and I liked the Spy-glass Inn. Didn’t like Ryde at all. Bembridge was prety ok. The needles were set up like Lands End with it’s amusement park – yuk!!

  11. + -

    yes!! i’ve been there in 2001 and i loved it!! i would definitely visit again..i dont understand why you dont like it..it’s nice for a holiday but i can understand if you live there it probably gets boring after a while since it’s so small.

  12. + -

    yep i went as a child really enjoyed but dont know if i would now as i like to club it a lot and not affence but the isle seems a bit old fashioned lol.
    my parents went back last year and my mum didnt reconise it.

  13. + -

    No, but my land lord is from there.

  14. + -

    Its a very weird place,like going back in time.especially the choice of restaurants

    Do the locals know WW2 and rationing have ended?

  15. + -

    yeh family holiday about 20 years ago, i loved it! blackgang chine and the dodgem boat things. or is blackgang chine in cornwall? oooooh and the kat-a-meringue boat thing on the ride over how exiting!

  16. + -

    no i havent live in devon as well i should go sometime!!

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