If it’s true that the entire Worlds population could stand on an area around the size of the Isle of Wight?

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Then why don’t they and leave the rest of the World to those more deserving and those that would treat it a bit better?



  1. The Isle of Wight is 380 km² there are 6.6 billion people, as each person would take approx 1 m² then the answer would have to ................no they would not fit. Even if they went on a crash diet they would not fit. However if you were to advertise that everything is free and you get lots of money for doing nothing, then a lot of the people would attempt to live there, this is happening to Britain so it might work.
  2. + -

    I don’t think the islanders would aprechate it. They already get anoyed by the London N obs every summer in seaview.

  3. + -

    That would be a tight fit now wouldn’t it!!

  4. + -

    I saw a TV program that said exactly the same thing, I don’t know where you heard it, but i pretty sure its true.

  5. + -

    Are you going to be standing shoulder to shoulder among the multitude on the Isle of Wight or are you a hypocrite who believes it should apply to everyone else BUT you?

  6. + -

    dude are you really buying into this nonsense?enjoy life and excell in what you do! wight on!!!!

  7. + -

    I heard that some years ago, the World’s population
    has increased by then.

    Perhaps they should move somewhere else?

  8. + -

    But wouldn’t all this weight cause the island to sink

  9. + -

    Well I reckon they would never fit on – there are 6.5 billion or so people on the earth and the area of the Isle of wight is 377 sq km, 147 sq miles, 94146 acres or 455 million sq yds

    This gives 14 people per sq yard or 0.07 sq yds per person

    Or each person gets about 6 inches by 12 inches

  10. + -

    I don’t know about that, but I do know that if you took the entire world population and distributed them evenly across the state of Texas, the population density would be less than the current population density in New York City.

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