If i live in England and i Phoned someone from the isle of wight, should it charge me?

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I have free minutes to UK calls but my phone bill has exceeded by £60 and this is the only scenario i can come up with, so will it charge me to call even though i have a sufficient amount of free minutes?

Thank you for any help



  1. If you do not realise that IOW is part of England, do you know places like Scotland ,Wales and Northern Ireland are part of the UK???
  2. + -

    Isle of wight is part of the UK so i don’t think you will be charged

  3. + -

    The IoW is in every sense part of the UK telephone system and tariff. It will be something else. Calling the IoW is exactly the same as calling a town on the mainland 60 miles from your home.

  4. + -

    no, the Isle of Wight is in England – it shouldn’t make any difference

  5. + -

    The Isle of Wight is in England. It’s a separate county (it used to part of Hampshire) and it’s surrounded by water, but that doesn’t make any difference to phone charges.

    Your excessive phone bill may be related to MMS (Multi-Media Service) calls. If you send a photograph by mobile it usually counts as the equivalent of 2 or 3 text calls. Some phone providers charge for MMS messages even though you may have “free” call minutes or texts included in your contract. This cost can soon mount up.

    Your “free” minutes also will not include calls to 08xx and 09xx numbers, so if you’ve phoned any of these you’ll be charged.

    It is possible that your phone may have been cloned and someone else is making calls that are being charged to you. This can often happen if you have unsecured Bluetooth enabled. The phone’s details can be picked up by a scanner used by Bad People in crowds.

    Work carefully through your itemised bill and check each entry for the duration and call type. If any don’t look “right” then call your phone service provider.

  6. + -

    the Isle of Wight is just as much part of the UK as London or any other place on the mainland, so definatly not.

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