What is the weather like on the Isle of Wight, compared to the rest of the south of England?

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I have booked a holiday on the south coast of the island for mid August. What can I expect?



  1. Strangely, the south of the island seems to get more sunshine than the mainland. Ventnor often boasts glorious sunshine when Hampshire is covered in cloud. The Isle of Wight is a wonderful place for a holiday. It's bursting with things to see and do. The attractions are cheaper than on the mainland. Have a great time!
  2. + -

    You can expect whatever weather the rest of the south coast is getting.
    It’s only about 5 miles off the coast!

    So most likely it will be warm, wet and windy.

  3. + -

    The August average is about 27c, its’ 30 odd miles south of our place.

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