How do you pronounce Dimbola Lodge?

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Those who live on the Island will probably have heard several pronunciations of Dimbola Lodge (in Freshwater).

The obvious and commonly used version is Dim-bowl-la, but many in the West say Dim-bull-a, as in Thimble-a. It’s usually said pretty quickly too.

Which way is it? Can someone please give me guidance?



  1. + -

    Ah, ha! Yes, that’s a tricky one.

    Here’s a fact to add to the confusion.

    The history behind Dimbola Lodge (now a great photography museum), is that the Cameron’s, who owned it, also owned a tea plantation in India in a place called Dimbula (there’s a Dimbula tea.

    So with that in mind perhaps it should be pronounced Dimbula? 🙂

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