Festival Nightmare?

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I am off to the Isle of Wight Festival in 2 weeks and I am really looking forward to it. What I am not looking forward to however is being dirty and smelly. I am not really a girlie girl so I am not bothered about make up but I am bothered about smelling like I live in a bin.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should take with me to help me feel clean and fresh? I am very funny about having greasy hair as well so I know I won’t be able to resist washing it, but then I know the problem I will have is getting it straight so I have been looking for some Gas hair straighteners but to no avail. I used to have a wicked pair pf Braun ones. Any suggestions on where I can get these??

I know you are probably gonna tell me to just enjoy and go with the flow but I can’t stand being unclean and don’t want to ruin my experience.




  1. plait your hair if its long enough or have a style where its all tucked up or buy a funky sun or cowboy hat to cover hair. baby wipes are an absolute must for all camping and festival needs, they can freshen you up, clean, remove make up and cool you down. There are shoers at a local lesuire centre if you desperately need it but expect major q's and public exposure as there arent cubicals. Recently alot of festivals have had ghd tents or bueaty tents for hair and stuff so try and hunt one of those out. Thing is everyone is in the same boat so make the most of it and dont worry what people think. Its not all that bad being a bit grubby for one weekend. Have lots of fun!!!!
  2. + -

    Deoderising wipes!!!! Can be brought from Superdrug etc. As for your hair, just tie it up if its long enough after all how long are you going for?

    Enjoy yourself x

  3. + -

    Hair straightener??? Surely getting clean is the real issue here? Try an all-in-one shower gel and shampoo.

    Anyway, those hair straighteners ruin hair. I’ve never used one, ever.

  4. + -

    Simple face wipes. Useful everywhere not just face.
    How about getting yr hair put in african braids for the weekend it will look really cool esp with colourful head bands and is very low maintenance – just be prepared to get Noticed!!! Have a fab time!

  5. + -

    baby wipes and deoderising wipes. you can get mini deoderants and body sprays that fit into your pockets. i swear by them

  6. + -

    Baby wipes are great for this sort of thing. You can still use them with soap and then use another wipe to “rinse” the soap off. You can then use deodorant wipes or carry a pocket sized can. As for your hair, tie it up if possible or hide it with a bandanna.

    Most of all: Have a ball, enjoy your time there.

  7. + -

    Braid your hair maybe? Seriously though, tie your hair up and dont wash it for a few days and it goes soooo nice. On an Easter Camp i went on it was 7 days long, and the washing facilities involved a kettle of hot water, so i washed by body but not my hair, and by the end of the week it was the silkiest ever hair, as really, chemicals and staightners just ruin it! Also, my dandruff went too. Since then- did start washing my hair again, but not as frequently. As for washing, i would suggest wipes or a flannel if you wanna go the green way and just do a “pits and parts,” wash. ABove all- have fun!!!

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