Atheists: Where do you live? City, town, other?

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I live in the country, on the outskirts of a small village with woods and farmland all around . Every day, I walk in nature. I am surrounded by nature everywhere. I can see God’s imprint all around me.

Cities get rid of nature, get rid of the mark of God, so that it is hard to find and understand God in the world. When living in cities, one has to look within themselves and others to find God, since God is so hard to see in a manmade environment.

So I am wondering… Where do the atheists here live? City, town, small village, other?



  1. I live on the Isle of Wight, England in a small town. I am surrounded by fields and nature also and happen to take long walks in the woods behind my house. I enjoy the countryside and in everything I see I notice how detailed it all is, the pattern of a leaf, cloud formations etc. This was all through the course of time and evolution, nothing this good could have been made through a click of your fingers. The Isle of Wight is famous for being the world's most haunted island, hosting holiday residents for the former Queen of England, home to the first theme park in the world (black gang chine) and has many, many dinosaur fossils and evidence for prehistoric life that has been preserved. Just though you might like to know.
  2. + -

    Great question as believe it or not i was thinking the same exact thing and was thinking of asking the same question…

  3. + -

    I live up north next to a lake and forest with animals and such. I do not see your God anywhere, all I see is nature and the consequence of evolution.

  4. + -

    town. mountains all around. no sign of god, though.

  5. + -

    In several hundred acres of woods in the southern portion of the United States of America.

  6. + -

    A city in one of the fifty states in the United States of America.

  7. + -

    I grew up on a beautiful island with a national park, nature is beautiful but I don’t see the need to subscribe supernatural gods as its origin. After all nature is also full of butterflies struggling in spiderwebs, shark fetuses that eat their weaker siblings as nourishment in the womb, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.. I live in the suburbs now between the city of Vienna and the Alps. I enjoy being able to easily experience the benefits of city life and escape to the peace and beauty of nature when I want as well.

  8. + -

    Freaking village.
    These rednecks here don’t know what the fvck is an x box.

  9. + -

    Rural area. Flyover country.

    You can’t equate nature with farming anymore, Skippy, there’s nothing natural about it.

  10. + -

    A city, but lived in the country for 20 years. I saw no evidence of god.

  11. + -

    Nature =/= your preferred version of sky daddy, hon.
    Nature is proof of nature.

  12. + -

    I live in a rural town.

    About a year ago I took a trip to Arizona and saw the Glen Canyon and the Grand Canyon. As I was rafting down the Glen Canyon, I was completely awestruck by the towering 700 foot cliffs above me and the way the rocks almost seemed to be painted. But that whole time I was in awe of nature and it’s ability to sculpt rocks to create such beauty.

    At the bottom of the Glen Canyon – near a place called Lee’s Ferry – there are cliffs that are crumbling away. On the one hand I was awestruck by nature’s ability to create beauty, but at the same time I was awestruck by nature’s ability to destroy mountains.

    I’m sorry, but I do not see the beauty and power of nature as proof or evidence of god.

  13. + -

    I live in a city in the United States, but your explanation is rubbish.

    I have also lived and visited other countries including the UK, France, Canada, India, and Egypt, and there is nothing I have seen that couldn’t be explained by natural means.

  14. + -

    A medium sized city is where I live, and I partially hope to live in a larger city in the future. But if home is where the heart is, then nature is my home. I love hiking, mountain biking, and kayaking, and my favorite places on this earth have been the Norwegian fjords.

    You don’t need to make assumptions about atheists directly, or of our supposed conceptual understanding of the world. By the same logic you insinuate here, one could imply that only nature is where your deity is most prevalent, and the realms of understanding that mankind has grasped even directly outside nature is inherently godless. Problem being this assumes no connection with nature, or that nature could not invariably be linked to the science we use to understand so many aspects of it. Many scientists look more each day at the natural world and see the beauty of nature. But it is often that they find not a god of the gaps behind things, but a natural pattern that lives within our world.

  15. + -

    I live in Suburb next to Stockholm, the Capital of Sweden.
    Religion here is mostly based around small villages out in the country.
    But I have lived in the country and I spend most of my time out in the country, but I still haven’t found anything that would direct me to God in the country.

  16. + -

    City. I’ve traveled around, I fail to see your god. Instead I see the work of Odin

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