What is happening to me?

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Lately I have been feeling really stressed out about everything. I’m 16 years old and my GCSE results are next week. I have two really difficult years ahead with my Alevels. My crush likes me back but I really need him as a friend right now and I don’t know what to say. My parents are arguing all the time. My house is a bomb site as we haven’t had it fully decorated in years. I never do anything for the summer as my parents don’t take me and my sis(10) out. We haven’t been on holiday in 7years and we’ve only gone to Isle Of Wight and Ireland where my Nan lives. I am becoming more confident with myself and gaining a positive attitude with myself. I dress how I want and Ignore people who label me ‘goth’ and ’emo’ as I wear black and listen to heavy metal. I honestly get pissed off at EVERYTHING! My laptop doesn’t work, my phone is breaking and I literally feel like I’m going to have a breakdown. My parents don’t understand me and just laugh and tell my to stop over reacting. My little sister gets away with everything! When I was her age I HAD to do as my told but she hits me and cheeks my parents. I’m not allowed as I’ll get in trouble. My ex-bestie who bullied me is bitching about me to all my friends. The only thing that stops me killing myself is Black Veil Brides. PLEASE help. I sound really stupid but I have no idea what is going on with me. No joke answers



  1. Nothing is going on. You're probably hormonal because your period is coming on. You're being a teen. It's perfectly normal. I was like you only worse. Try to relax and not let the stress get to you. Good luck with your GCSE results.
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    go for a backpack travel if your parents allow you

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    I think sometimes in life we always go through a period of time called “The domino effect”,
    This happens to me and I feel like i’m trapped to.

    The domino effect is basically everything that can go wrong “seems” to be going wrong. knocking one thing into another etc etc,

    How I deal with this is I write down the things that seem to be going wrong, I then write down possible ways that I can sort them, individually I start to mend some of the things. Rome wasnt built in a day! each thing you write down, CAN and WILL eventually mend or sort its self, But Why wait for it to?? Try to mend it yourself, think positively, Maybe this will help you to focus away from all of the stress. Hope I helped a bit! Take care xxx

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    I love Black Veil Brides too, they help 🙂 You don’t need friends, just turn up the music, it’s the only friend I ever had. I know how it feels, I never do anything for summer either, I haven’t even been to the movie theater in 2 years lol. Just calm down, all the things that piss you off are just technology, it always fails, don’t let it destroy you. You need to calm down. Here, relax, clear your mind and listen to this song, it helps me when I need to slow down.


    This song is sad and helps me too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqkgpHnp7Tg

  5. + -

    if you want your family and friends to see what going on go to the nearest hospital and check your self in then you’ll get help if your cool with that idea. always better to ask for help then to hurt your self. THINGS DONT MATTER ONLY YOUR WELL BEING DOES as far as your crush tell him you need his support its ok to have someone close

  6. + -

    It’s probably nothing just a phase because I’m 16 and go through that quite a bit sometimes I think the universe is against me but it’s not it’s just I guess we have short tempers, school work, and bullies. About the bullies idk what to tell you never really been there. But what I’d do is make friends and your old best friend when you see here smile like you have no cares in the world and if she still keeps talking smile and say wow I didn’t know you pay that much attention to me it’s kind of weird…. are you gay!? Probably not the best advise but I read that and knew I had to say something.

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