setting up the internet while i am on holiday?

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right in less then a week im going on holiday to isle of wight and i want to be able to connect to the internet.

im staying in a cottage of someone who my father knows and they do not have internet, so i was wondering if i could connect any other way?
i have a belkin wireless G usb network adapter but im not sure of this will be of any use?

if there is a way i can connect to the internet, please could you explain but in a way i would understand as i am only 13 🙂



  1. The Belkin router would work IF you were able to connect to someone else's wireless network like a neighbor's. To do that, the signal would have to be strong enough and they would have to give you the password unless they're running an open network. Another option is if you have a cell phone that can be used as a modem, but that could be costly based on your usage. Some cell carriers also have devices that work in this capacity and create a wifi network. I would check with the cell carriers there and see if an option exists.
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