Will me and my boyfriend last whilst he is at University?

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We have been together for 2 months, and he has already turned out to be the boy of my dreams. In september this year he will be leaving for Bournemouth University (if he gets the grades). We both live on the Isle of Wight, which is a little Island off the coast of Portsmouth (England). So it’s like he’s going to be so far away, over water.

Anyway, we still haven’t discussed about what to do when he is in Uni. I think he may lose interest in me. I asked him once “you’ll find someone better up there”, he didn’t reply in speech, he just shook his head. I’m also worried he will cheat, which will break me into pieces. It sounds bad but I cheated on my ex for my boyfriend, because my ex and I seemed more like friends.

I’ll be going up to mu first year of college (which is local on the Isle of Wight), but he’ll be miles away at his first year at Uni. It will cost me a bomb to goo see him frequently. He told me he would stay on campus for the first year, then would want me to go live with him in Bournemouth (which I’d love to do!). Me and my boyfriend (Dan) are attached like glue! I’m so in love with him and he seems to feel the same way. He’s just so perfect in everyway!

I have dated a good few people online, one was in Australia for 6 months. So I think I’d be able to hold to him, I just think it’s up to him. He is also one of those boys who get drunk a lot and goes to house parties a lot. He’ll be turning 18 in June, (I’m only 16 turning 17 the day he leaves) so he will be able access night clubs and buy his own drinks. So he might he might get really drunk one night and take a girl back to his campus (not sure if that is allowed in uni). I trust him not to though, it just it happens sometimes… :'(

I really need some reasuring or just friendly advice.

The main problem is, will we last for a year, so we can live together afterwards?
*almost two months
I’m not interested about anyone in college, I’m only going there 3 days a week and living at home with my parents. I’m not sociable at all but my boyfriend is!



  1. oh mu god dear! you two will be fine if you two are for each other! text or call him frequently! (not too much or he'll get annoyed) dont think negative kay? :) good luck!
  2. + -

    Long distance relationship can work out but it requires a lot of hard work and if you talk to him,I’m saw he will have the same concerns as you do “what if when I’m at uni she (you) meets someone new at college”. However with the internet it is easy to keep in contact with him and have web cam sex.

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