Do you think the Isle of Man is sexist?

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Come to think of it don’t you think that the Isle of Wight is also a bit suspect and not very PC? It’s time for change.

Isle of Wight will now be referred to as ‘Isle of Non-Descript Colour, Not to Mention Religion’. Isle of Man will simply be known as ‘Sh*tsville.’

Alan Titchmarsh who has a holiday home on the former Isle of Wight (he actually does, I looked it up and everything) went mad. He said: “This is absurd, the Island has a long and wonderful history and the name is part of that, next they’ll be stopping the annual ‘Slap a Darkie Festival’.

What do you think?



  1. I vote for "Isle of Bitch Get Back in the Kitchen"
  2. + -

    But but but but…. shitsville isn’t PC either.

  3. + -

    Yes. I particularly dislike White City in Northwest London. Definitely needs to be changed pronto.

    And I would much prefer it if you referred to him as ‘Alan Breastmarsh’.

  4. + -

    You have way to much time to bother about that s h i t

    I take it that this is a Pi*s take, as you can’t be serious!

  5. + -

    get a grip,
    god this country and people in this world are obsessed not to offend anyone, its gone over the top now, as a girl this name does not offend me what so ever.

    your not alloud to say certain words or phrases like brainstorm, incase it upsets anyone with mental disabilities,a brainstorm is when u think of lots of idea and wright them down, i dont see how thats offensive

  6. + -

    I will stick to Isle of white ta very much

  7. + -

    Now a bit of research into the words please.

    The Man in Isle of Man is a corruption of its original gaelic name and means mountain. On the other hand the Wight in the Isle of Wight is the Anglo-Saxon word for man. So it’s the Isle of Wight that’s sexist and the Isle of Man that makes mountains out of molehills.

  8. + -

    lol its called isle of white because of the chalk rocks =P why change it its pointless

  9. + -

    i think they should be left alone to arm themselves against the liberal onslaught.libs have taken over the rest of the U.K. and it sucks,the only ppl who approve are the lazy and the shiftless,now the hoards have set their sights on the U.S.A. remember the Isle of Man is the only place in the world where men CAN be men,ride at full tilt through country lanes,and if they want to throw midgets,i say God Bless Them

  10. + -

    Not because of the name. It wasn’t that long ago that they stopped the birch there. On our news (Border), we used to get the Isle of Man news. They were very fond of dishing it out to people* for things like being gay. Hopefully things have improved a bit, or you might find yourself getting a few lashes for being lippy. 😀

    edit. *The birch I mean, not the news.

  11. + -

    OMG I’m actually trying to think of something qwitty to say and i cant

    its either your genius humour or my drunkeness.

    I will decide in the morning. Ta, x

  12. + -

    no. do you think the amazon jungle is sexist? are you offended by the constant trimming of bush there?

  13. + -

    Then you have the Black Country… personally that bit of the West Midlands should just be swallowed up in a big hole of no colour.

  14. + -

    So, can we now have Womanx cats as well as Manx cats? Must we have Womantles over the fireplace? Of course we will never fertilize our gardens with womanure; that would not be PC. It has to be manure.

  15. + -

    lol stop reading the daily mail
    fyi i’m dyslexic and used to get in terrible trouble reading the name of the african country niger

  16. + -

    If you want the meaning of Isle of Wight:

    Where does the name Isle of Wight come from?

    The correct spelling is ‘Wight’ rather than ‘Isle of White’. There are several varied explanations as to where the name Isle of Wight originated from, and the two most likely are listed below:

    1. Around 1900 BC the Beaker people arrived – so called from their distinctive pottery.

    They called the Island “Wiht” (Weight) meaning raised or what rises over the sea. Then the Romans arrived in 43AD and translated “Wiht” into the name Vectis from the Latin veho meaning “lifting”. Also a derivative of the Welsh word “Gwaith”, also meaning lever.

    The name of the island = Wight and not White, together with its Latin form Vectis, it is supposed to be a representative of the British word gywth = a channel, its original name being
    “ynys-wyth” the “channel island”.
    (From Murreys, a handbook for travelers in the Isle of Wight.1898)

    2. 400BC – Iron Age Celts from the Continent gave Wight its name, meaning ‘place of the division, because it is between the two arms of the Solent. It is one of the Island’s few surviving Celtic names.

    43AD – The Romans called the Island Vectis and, although they stayed for the next 300 years, no Roman place names survive.

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