Wouldnt it be great to go to the U. K on a summer holiday??….:) (all expenses paid)?

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and if so,, which area would you like to visit and see?

why so>?

btw, which area you live?



  1. I live in the UK, but I'd still love an all expenses holiday. I'd go to Walse, then Scotland the in the UK I'd visit the Lake district, The Yorkshire coast, the Cotswalds, Devon, Cornwall and the Isle if Wight. what a great holiday that would be
  2. + -

    no way,, all the rain they had last summer?

  3. + -

    I’d like to travel around the UK this summer, but i live in London anyways 🙂

  4. + -

    I live in England, U.K so it wouldn’t be that much of an experience.

  5. + -

    I could already go to England on a trip… I live there! 😀

    And the weather’s actually pretty awesome, atm. We’ve had consistent temperatures in the double figures for a week now, it’s been 11 degrees at night as well!! 😀

    I’m in East Yorkshire. :3

  6. + -

    I used to live in Kent the garden of England ,so I would go back there …but now I live in Spain.

  7. + -

    Not really. There isn’t much to do here, except in London…

    Notts, UK

  8. + -

    WTF pointless, I live in the UK

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