Should i go on holiday with a chest infection?

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I have had a chest infection since Monday with the following symptoms: feverishness, temperature, aching body, headache, sore throat, ear ache, coughing, wheeziness, runny nose. I have asthma and this has made me feel very breathless and worsened the illness. i went to the doctor yesterday and was prescribed an antibiotic and a different inhaler than i normally use. however the antibiotics prescribed seem to strong for me (im quite petite and often get IBS symptoms even if i have 2 paracetamol) and the antibiotic (doxycycline) says you have to avoid direct sunlight and it can make you feel nauseous so instead i have started a course of amoxicillin, however i only have 4 days worth. anyway im meant to be going on holiday to the isle of wight tomorrow morning and i cant get the money back, i don’t know if i should go cause im feeling very ill and am in bed. Thank you



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