Is a single homeless lady pensioner vulnerable or not?

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Should she get accommodation, or handed a voucher to get a tent and chucked back on the street?



  1. Interesting question, how can this sort of thing go on in Britain, beacon of enlightenment and western democracy, we still pay lip service to Clement Atlee's vision of the welfare state in that people who cannot work through age, disability, or there simply being not enough jobs, should get a decent standard of living. Unfortunately on another level we seem to have changed this now to the idea that unemployment is a person's own fault and they should be punished for it. The current Turkish demonstrations are interesting, whilst we in the west may want to maintain the moral high ground, and 'they have nasty authoritarian governments etc', I'm wondering if there are homeless people sleeping on the streets of Istanbul and Ankara like we have in the UK, my guess is probably not, any answers could be relative about what we regard as a civilised society or not.
  2. + -

    yes a old lady is very vulnerable on the streets and should be given acomidation.

  3. + -

    Of course she should get accommodation but in our country we no longer look after our own vulnerable people as a priority,since the conservative party are so keen on people taking in lodgers perhaps one of them could give her a room in one of their many mansions that the taxpayer helps to fund,silly me they wont do that,they think they are a different breed.

  4. + -

    Police swoop on the homeless taking sleeping bags and food parcels in co-ordinated raids

    Police swooped on the homeless, grabbing sleeping bags and food parcels donated by the public, in co-ordinated raids around the borough.
    Ilford Ch Insp John Fish said: “The public rely on police to reduce the negative impact of rough sleepers, this includes the need for us to assist in the removal of temporary structures, tents, and bedding from public spaces and other inappropriate locations.”

    Hungry Britain: More than 500,000 people forced to use food banks, warns Oxfam
    Number has trebled in past 12 months

    $150 bn lost in tax havens enough to end extreme poverty twice over
    Oxfam, the UK based charity, estimates that some $18.47 trillion is being held by individuals in tax havens around the world. Of this some $7.18 trillion is in accounts situated in British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.,d.ZGU

    Atos Benefits Row: Transplant Patient Linda Wootton Dies After Being Judged ‘Fit For Work’
    Linda Wootton was dying on a hospital bed as the ruling to remove her benefits came
    DWP wrote back saying she would need to score at least 15 points from the assessment but her results were nil.
    “We have decided that you are not entitled to Employment and Support Allowance because you have been found to be capable of work following your recent Work Capability Assessment.”
    “I do not know how, or if, it will change the system, but at least we can show the population what people like Linda have to go through at the hands of these people.”
    Her death came as it was revealed the government spent £37m in just eight months fighting appeals against benefit claimants declared fit for work, winning only 57% of cases. As many as 59,493 claimants won their appeals, official figures show.

    Food banks struggle to help poverty-stricken Londoners
    sharp increase in people needing food. Many attribute this increase to recently-imposed benefit cuts.


  5. + -

    62 isn’t a pensionable age, seems a bit harsh however, regardless the council have a legal duty to home people. I’m surprised they class a tent as temporary crisis accommodation.. she should move to sweden, they’ll treat her like a princess..

    lol turkey is full of homeless people, they’re called kurds..

  6. + -

    how did she end up there then? Did she just turn up and say ‘give me a house’?

  7. + -

    Most people slip through the net because they don’t fight hard enough, I ended up homeless myself and as far as my local council was concerned I could have just gone away and slept on a park bench but I just kept fighting, letters from my doctor etc etc, I only managed to get somewhere when I spoke to someone who was a career benefit scrounger and he steered me through the system what and what not to say and he encouraged me to keep fighting until I finally landed a dingy hotel room, it was the beginning of a long process to get re-housed a year later, this is 20 years ago now so actually nothing has changed!

    She should have taken the money for the tent and kept hassling them, they cave in eventually!

  8. + -

    How sad this poor woman is in deep water with no way out had she been an immigrant they would have found accomadation for her straight away its a sad day when we cannot be bothered or care enough to look after our own.

  9. + -

    At 62 shes not considered old enough to b an oap – but yes she should b

  10. + -

    Well said rickman!! Let’s see how many Romanians and Bulgarians get housed next year shall we when they flood over here..

  11. + -

    “What would the USSR have given her then?”

    It doesn’t exist. It’s 2013, not 1983.

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