Does my house sound haunted to you?

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Ok so we have a second house on the Isle of Wight, England, which is supposobly the world’s most haunted island. We come down most weekends and most holidays. Some really stange things have been going on lately, such as my mum was down the island on her own (with our dog Jerry), when the dog went very, very still, his hackles were raised and all his hair raised. He stayed like this in the same spot, staring at the same spot for about 20 minutes then his head moved slowly towards the stairs and he snapped out of this trance. My mum videod it a bit, she was really freaked out and waves her hand in front of the dogs face, tries to move him.. She even shoats at him and he didn’t move. she phoned my step-dad and told him what had happened, he said that was really unusual because Jerry is the best dog you could imagine, completely normal. After my mother hung up the phone, she heard someone run across the upstairs landing. She was home alone, but swears she heard this – clear as day. She checked upstairs, no one there. She even checked the attic, she was so convinced she heard someone, but didn’t see anyone.
My brother stayed down the island on his own one weekend. He’s the typical “macho” fearless 19 year old boy. Although he won’t fully admit it, he was absolutely terrified. He didn’t go upstairs the whole time he was there because he said he could hear footsteps, even thought they were being burguled at some point the footsteps where so loud. Our family friend on the island went and visited him and he was curled up on the sofa, food all around him because he didn’t want to move.
When we were all in the house (4 of us), I came downstairs in the morning and all the documents, tax bills about our business and everything were thrown all around the floor of the living room. None of us did this, something must have gone into the desk draw and messed it all up… There’s no wind in that room, and wind certainly couldn’t have opened a desk draw.

Stuff goes missing, appears again in weird places. No voices can be heard.. as of yet. but It goes unusually cold sometimes, heating is ALWAYS kept on full blast.

THE BEST PART IS.. My uncle goes to meetings about the ghosts on the island (weird, i know) but our house came up. We live in a modern semi-detatched that was built about 3 years ago, on the site of what used to be a bigger house’s garage. A man got murdered in this garage, my mother and her siblings all remember this murder happening in the 70’s. After the murder strange things used to happen in the garage.. like there was a spirit coming back to haunt or something. ANYWAY i was on google maps, looking at our house, and i zoomed out from street view to satelite view. satelite view is about 5 years old camera. on satelite view you can clearly see the old plot, and where our house is now there is a garage instead, part of a house and plot that covers our row of houses.

So, what do you think? I don’t mind if you think it’s bullshite, Any answers appreciated thank you 🙂



  1. Check your story on there, I also live on the Isle of Wight! Christ. It's a small world. Ghost's are taken very seriously here aren't they? We've even had lessons on them at school.. There's ghost books about the island that have been writen since the early 70's, maybe if you're really interested, you should go to the library and look at a few. Your house is bound to be in they're, there's litereally thousands of stories. You been to Carisbrooke castle? I went to a wedding their earlier this year, it was so creepy. Don't look down the well..
  2. + -

    I guess it is , you should think about calling a specialist to visit your house.

  3. + -

    Sounds like a ghost to me. I used to live on the Isle of Wight and a dog I had at the time started barking at nothing once.

  4. + -

    I would check it out. sounds like someone mean/pissed off used to live there, though its most likely harmless. there are evil spirits though. we have one in my grandmas only in one room that literally tries to kill you by taking your breath while you sleep but gets off at the last second. we do know a little girl (before we moved in) that used to play with the owners daughter had died. now the damn thing locks us out of rooms, turns on lights, and professionally mimiks voices to harrases us. so again sounds harmless to me but id look up your house for the hell of it.

  5. + -

    There is no such thing as ghosts. BUT – there is such a thing as familiar spirits. They are not spirits of human beings, they are demonic.
    You are playing around with something that you are not equipped or educated in to handle.

    As for living in a place where a murder was committed. Who (or what) do you think inspires or manipulates people to murder? The demonic entity or entities that were responsible for goading the murder in the the first place probably still hang around. You are NOT dealing with the spirit of the deceased. You are dealing with the evil spririts that were there when the murder was committed.
    Only a true born-again Christian, who understands spiritual warfare and who they are in Christ, is able to properly and completely deal with this situation.

  6. + -

    Well firstly I have to admit that I haven’t heard of the Isle of Wight before now. But after reading your little tidbit I looked it up on Wikipedia and it looks like an enchanting place to live. I have to say I am sort of jealous, if your home is in an area half as lovely as the photos I saw then I would gladly retire to a home filled with spooks. It’s actually a favorite daydream of mine to live in a haunted home.

    Are you at all nervous or are you fascinated by the occurrences? I was a bit concerned when you said that your home was only three years old, but there is a history to the place it’s been built upon, if you aren’t exaggerating then your place may very well be haunted.

  7. + -

    i certainly sounds haunted but i don’t think that the spirit is malicious. it would be doing more if it had harm in mind.

  8. + -

    england is very haunted. i believe you guy they like to play games with your head so dont show Emotion to they like it try to be claim n DONT TRY TO TALK TO THEM!!!

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