Do any of you recognise this ship?

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I and my family saw this ship during our holiday this month on the Isle of Wight. To us it looked like an ancient ship, but it was VERY far away so we couldn’t properly tell. I had to use all my optical and digital zoom on my camera to get the photo.

If any of you can help, please answer. Sensible answers only, please, this is a serious question and I really want to know the answer.


Here’s the link:

Thanks again.




  1. Ok i would like to say, all the above answers are wrong, shes a Schooner based in Portsmouth, and is often seen in and around the Isle of Wight waters. The name is: J.R Tolkein Search it in google, obviously say J.R Tolkein boat or schooner or it will come up with lord of the rings lol
  2. + -

    Its one of them stall ships.They have a few here in Liverpool

  3. + -

    i dont know what the ship is.
    but they base alot of those ornaments on them..
    everyones seen them!?
    hope i helped.

  4. + -

    This is a War Frigate almost missing a couple of sails though in the 1980’s these were used to transport criminals to other countries and for transporting food water etc.
    In the 1990’s they arn’t used very much but still are used abit for attractions and abit to transport food

    These have been around for over half a milenium
    Hope i helped


  5. + -

    hey well the flag on the back looks like the netherlands flag so maybe its from there

    but it just looks like a new ship which they’ve tried to make authentic..its nice though 🙂

  6. + -

    it might not be an old ship cause here in our place a friend of mine build a yatch almost like the appearance in your picture. he also put some sails so he could use the sail on windy days instead of using the engine to save on gas.

  7. + -

    It doesn’t seem very old, maybe refit. I don’t have a name but judging by the flag at the ship’s stern, it’s from the Netherlands.

  8. + -

    Puts me in mind of the two ships that a charity run out of Portsmouth, they take youngsters with ‘issues’ on board and they learn to sail and co-operate with other members of the crew. let me do some research and see if I can find a comparison photo of the two vessels they use. I was on board them a few years ago, but without a camera that day.

    Though it is similar to the ones the Tall Ships Tust has, there are differences, so sorry, I can’t help!

  9. + -

    It’s a schooner Shoal draft used to travel between islands carrying cargo and supplies> as there is a van or bus on the upper deck aft of amid ship>

  10. + -

    Not much help here. You might be better to do a google search on forums and groups into ships and post your question there.

  11. + -

    it looks like the christian raditch


  12. + -

    Looks like a brig. There was a tall ships gathering at Falmouth, Cornwall that ended that day before you took your photo, so it is possible it came from there; though the ships were then sailing to Portugal which is the other way…

  13. + -

    It is not a ship, nor is it a schooner or brig. It is a bark. (barque) Barks have from 3 to 5 masts, all of which are rigged square, except for the mizzen (rear) mast, which is rigged fore and aft.

    I haven’t a clue as to the name of the vessel, but it looks like the Europa.

  14. + -

    I can confirm it is the Christian Raditch, traveling down from the Tall ships race in Liverpool

  15. + -

    i don’t think it is an old ship but a new build to look like an old ship. try looking up on internet on new builds but older style

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