Do you have a knowledge of flowers?

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I went to Osborne House during my last holiday on the Isle of Wight.

I went into the Walled Garden there and took loads of photos of some of the flowers there. The problem is I don’t have a very good knowledge of flowers, so could you help me out please?

The photos can be found at this link:

Please don’t make fun of me, please, I’m asking a serious question here because I don’t know the names of many flowers, I recognise some but can’t think of the names.

Thank you very much.

I’d really like to know the names of each of these flowers, as I’m putting them into an album soon.
This link is better, thought it was the one I’d put in but it wasn’t.
phoenix2frequent, thanks so much for your really informative answer! I’ve added the names of the ones you’re sure of, so anyone who knows the definite names of the remaining ‘nameless’ flowers, please help!

‘phoenix2frequent’ – you’re a star, thanks so much for your help in identifying these flowers, I’m such an idiot when it comes to flowers and their names.
Also, thanks to ‘glenn t’ and ‘michaelangliron’ for your help, too.

Just two flowers left to identify – flowers 34 and 37, any additional help welcome. If no one has managed to get it by the end of the question deadline (4 days at time of typing), I’ll send them off to Osborne House to ask them for their help.

Thanks again guys!




  1. Well, I can't ID all of them but most are familiar from mine and my neighbours' gardens so I've done my best... =) 1: Japanese anemone 2: Saxifrage 3. unripe seedhead (prob of one of the allium family but v hard to tell without leaves etc to check) 4: Lavender (sideways on) 5: Rose 6: Marigold 7: Cleome 8: Nasturtium 9: Lily 10: Pelargonium 11: Ox-eye daisy 12: Could be oxalis, or gaura, or one of the jasmine family, or something else: can't ID for sure without any detail of stalk, leaves, size of flower etc 13-16: all varieties of pelargonium 17: Abutilon 18: ?ought to know this one but can't bring the name to mind...! 19: Fuchsia 20: Coreopsis 21: Cactus dahlia? Hard to tell as it's dying and there's nothing to show scale... 22: sorry, can't bring this one to mind either... 23: mixed delphiniums 24: sorry... not one I know. Pretty, though! 25: Sweet peas 26: African marigold 27: Cornflower (normally blue but there are also white and pink varieties) 28: Cornflower (regular blue variety) 29: Gaillardia 30: Dahlia (something like "Bishop of Llandaff") 31: Stock (confusing, because the picture's sideways!) 32: Salvia splendens 33: Gladiolus (with a fig tree in the background) 34: could be several things (eg. pelargonium, if the stalks radiate around a central point, or white delphinium if it's a spike of flowers seen from above...) 35: Bugle 36: Bearded iris (close up of lower petal) 37: ? sorry, racking my brains over this one... 38: Lily 39: Michaelmas daisy 40: Not good on foliage plants. Could be a Coleus, possibly? EDIT: Have brought to mind a few more... (and apologies for wrong ID of valerian and canna =0 ) 12 may well be another pelargonium. On really close inspection it's very like a variety called "White Boar". 18: I see you've already had this one IDd: spot-on... it's cuphea ignea (you'll hear it called either the cigar plant or the firecracker plant). 22: I've definitely tracked this one down for you. It's a variety of nigella hispanica. Have a look at the pictures here for glorious detail: 24 had me completely fooled... it's a runner bean! An old variety called "Painted Lady". Picture here, though yours is better! 30 is definitely "Bishop of Llandaff"... Flower 37 continues to elude me, though. =D Why not mail it to the lovely people at Osborne House and ask them to ID it? I'm sure they wouldn't mind, since it's just one pic...
  2. + -

    You have a wide variety of flowers there! including


  3. + -

    3 cleome? 18 cuphea? 22 tradescantia=spiderwort 33’snotglad =canna lily 40 alternathera or hypoestes=polka-dot plant

  4. + -

    Here’s a few more with some (ahem) corrections

    2954 Not saxifrage but red valerian.

    2979 Cigar plant (cuphea ignea)

    2984 A single (not double) cornflower

    2999 Not gladiolus but Canna Lily

    3005 Day Lily (hemerocallis)

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