ok, i carnt get him out of my head but i dont understand what he is doin?

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right….so i met this boy last year at the pub across the road from me at a charity event as soon as we met we clicked, and was flirting all night, so the next day i saw himm he asked me for my nuber, and we wer textin all the time, i went on holiday ot the isle of wight and he was texting me callin me beautifull and was missing me, the only thing was he goes to bording skool and his mum and dad are split up and its his mum who lives by me so every other weekend he is with his mum we hook up along with his brother and my brother we are all mates
but a the last time i saw him 2 weeks ago, we wer walking back from his house and my brother and his brither ran of in fron and even wen they wer by us it was dark and he kept touchin me like he always did, touchin my bum wenever he cud or putting his arms around me ,,,i feel ammazing wen he does this and on this night he was behind me put his arms around me i turned my head a we kissed a really good kiss passionate kiss…and he told me he loves coming down here so he can see me and i sed i love it wen he comes down here
then wen i spoke to him on msn i asked about the kiss and he sed that he doesnt kno y he kissed me and he just wants to be freinds, then 2 days ago i spoke ti him again and he sed he didnt mean what he sed, and that he did like me and didnt mean to upset me wen he sed he didnt kno y he kissed me
so he likes me but says he thinks it will be aukward because im good freinds with his mum and freinds with his brother and he is freinds with my brother…but i dont get himm…then i saw him yesterdayy and wen he put his arms around my waist i just feell ammazing and iv liked him ever since i met him even wen i was with ym boyfreind who i was wioht for 4 months and i am singla again now
i9 dont kno what to do, i carnt stop thinking about him and havent been able to stop since i met him, i carnt help how i feel and i thought id forgoten about him wen i was with ym bf but as soon as we kissed my feelings came rushing back and i carnt explain how i feel but its amazing iv never felt like this befor

please give any advice u can



  1. i think he said he didn't know why he kissed you because he was scared that you might regret it. instead of questioning him you should have said something like "really enjoyed the other night, your a really good kisser". i think he still likes you and that next time you meet up with you should kiss him again. if all your feelings come back & he is feeling the same way he will do something about it. sorry i can't be more help answer mine http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtmPeA_Ol0l29T902j596AJuKXRG;_ylv=3?qid=20090729024541AABcK1H
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