Am I overreacting totally?

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girl advice pls….

am I overreacting… so I was really excited about seeing my boyfriend last night (he was coming back frm a week away with his mates), then Saturday morning I get texts from him saying he doesn’t want to leave and when he gets back him and the lads are going to book another holiday (this year, soon) to go back… totally get everyone wants to stay on holiday after having a wicked time, but he always says how skint he is, how little leave days he gets… I was like right… so what about the holiday we want to go on (i’ve also given him like 4 days this summer I wanted him to get off) weekend in the isle of wight, evening for a wedding reception, camping with my mates and weekend in London, none of which he bothered to book off… all of which I reminded him of about 5 times via text/email as he kept forgetting which dates.. I’m now taking a girl friend to the wedding, being the 5th wheel in the isle of wight and camping without him… we also talked about a holiday together and his response to that … “oh well I’ve got my whole life to go on holiday with you”, yep that is really sweet but not really ok.. because I’d still like to go with him this year!

So that was Saturday morning, I was still excited to see him and thought I’m just being silly, he’s excited and I’m sure he’s not taking me for granted..

So he gets back (at 8pm) I have to start work at 9pm so we only had a bit of time. He tries to have se x and I stop him because I was a bit miffed so instead we look through photos he’s taken….

There are literally about 20 pics of him and this girl he met on holiday… all over him… he said the fact he’s showing me means he has nothing to hide and I believe that he didn’t have se x with her etc but why would you take all those pics (not just frm 1 night either)… then there is another pic of this dancer girl kissing him.. I said right so did she just randomly come up to him… he says no… I asked for a kiss…

I’m really uncomfortable and was upset about the whole thing 🙁
*whoops.. not just girl advice pls.. boys welcome tooo
been together nearly a year now, work for the same organisation.. he’s 21, I’m 24… immaturity I guess!



  1. + -

    You’re not over reacting, tell him how you feel and find a way to make him listen.
    Good luck 🙂

  2. + -

    I know you asked for girls opinions M but I’m a guy. You are TOTALLY justified in being angry. He is not taking your relationship seriously at all. He is fine with the having sex part obviously but the rest he seems like he can do what he pleases and has no responsibilities to you at all!

    My advice, get a new man. You can tell him this until you are blue in the face but he is clearly selfish, he will forget your words as quickly as you say then just like the dates you needed him to be with you.

    Walk away, there are too many guys that would be willing to be partners with you for you to continue to be a mere distraction for him.

    I’m truly sorry, no guy should treat you that way. It’s just not right 🙁

    Good Luck!

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