Why do some teachers live so far away from the school??

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I go to school on the isle of wight, but there are a few teachers who live across the water over in portsmouth. They have to get the hovercraft every day and then when they get to the other side they have to walk for about 20 minutes before they get to their houses. I really don’t understand why they live over there!



  1. House prices are very high on the island and cheaper on the outskirts of Portsmouth!!!
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    So you cant egg their houses so easily!

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    Protection , same as the police work in different towns to where they live.

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    maybe bacos they like the place

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    It’s so they can go to the pub without bumping into you lot!

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    This does not just apply to teachers. Quite a few people in other kinds of work take the hovercraft back and forth. It is mostly a question of economics or personal circumstances. It is extremely expensive to move, and houses in the Isle of Wight are not cheap.
    They may also not want to uproot all their family: their partners may still have jobs on the mainland and their children may be attending schools there, or they may have ageing parents that need help or keeping an eye on. They may also be on a temporary contract with your school and when this comes to an end they may have to take a job back where they live. The way that teachers are appointed does not make things easy and there may even be teachers in Ryde who have to travel the other way into Portsmouth because they could not find a job on the island.
    Even on the mainland there are teachers who have to commute from one town to another as there may not be a post to suit their speciality or training near their home. For instance many teachers in the counties around London take the train and the underground to get to their jobs and have quite a long journey into work and back.

    Finally, have you thought that those teachers may love your school and their students so much that they are prepared to face the hassle of travelling back and forth rather than apply for a job in Portsmouth, even though they have to continue living there for personal reasons?
    Still it is nice that you are concerned about the fact that they have to travel like that. It shows you care for them as they do for you.

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    What WISE OWL said. People in all professions have various personal reasons for not necessarily living in the same place as their work. There are even people who live in France and commute to the UK (and vice versa).

    My tutor in university lived in Belfast and worked in Nottingham.

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