Assisted living bungalows in England?

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I’m looking for an assisted living scheme for my 72 year old, stroke disabled father. He wants to live near the coast. He would also prefer to have his own bungalow. He can take care of himself reasonably well, but as I live out of the country I feel like he needs to be in a place were someone will occasionally check in on him, and I could pay for a weekly house cleaning, laundry, and bed changing service. It would also be nice if he could take the occasional dinner, and just have some other people around to socialize with. He is quite independant and is very insistant on a bungalow, were he can maintain his privacy. We hope to be able to buy this property. Has anybody got any ideas on such a place, maybe in the Isle of Wight, or south coast, or possibly Cornwall?



  1. he would have to pay at least 200 thousand for a place like that has he got the money if so then he can choose wherever he likes and the social services are the same all over.. there is a lovely 'sheltered' bungalow homes setting in Cornwall that has all the necessary requirements you mentioned ... no sea views but 10 mins away and great community all retired people ... the bungalows cost around and up to 200 grand.... it is in Mount Hawke Truro. lovely place.
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