Do British people consider themselves European?

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My girlfriend is British and her dad insists he’s not European. I think he’s a little on the delusional side anyway but I notice British people tend to shun this fact. What’s up with that/ Do you feel closer to us Americans or the rest of Europe?



  1. No he's not delusional whatsoever and you and the majority of everyone else who has answered this question really have no idea what he is talking about or anything to do with British History, do you? The British Isles just happens to be part of the Continent of Europe and that is as far as it goes. No different to the American Continent which goes from Alaska at the top to the bottom of Chile commonly called The Americas. The British Isles have recorded history from when the Nordic Celts first settled here in around 5,500 BC. The British Isles includes England, Scotland and Wales including all the islands therein from Unst in the Shetlands, The Outer Hebrides and Island of Sky right down to the Channel Islands and including the Isle of Man, The Isle of Wight and the Scilly Isles. It does NOT include Ireland. The last time these Islands were invaded was in 1066 when the Normans invaded when Harold lost the Battle of Hastings. The last one who tried it was Hitler in 1941 and he bottled out at the last minute because he had his eye on Russia and decided to invade that instead in Operation Barbarossa! We also have one of the oldest Parliaments in the world. Now do you think some smartarse European Union which is totally run by unelected prats and which The British Isles did not want to be a part of in the first place in it's present form, now turn round and tell us that we are not English, Scottish or Welsh anymore but we are Europeans who will live in Zones, because we will even lose our Counties and we will have no identity whatsoever and then you wonder why we are a bit pissed off about it. Coming back to your side of the pond, are your Mexicans, Mexican or Americans? Are your Canadians Americans? Are your Argentinians, Brazilians or Chileans Americans? No they are not, anymore than we are Europeans! And excuse me, if it wasn't for the English, Spanish, Germans, Dutch and Italians you lot would still be running around half naked speaking Apache, Crow, Sioux etc wouldn't you? And you certainly showed them didn't you? That they wouldn't be tolerated, by stealing their lands and shoving what was left of them onto reservations after you slaughtered most of them! Which just to goes to show you know very little about your own History let alone anyone else's. So before you come on here and make stupid statements make sure what your talking about first.
  2. + -

    Great Britain is in Europe so any citizen of GB is indeed European, whether they admit it or not.

  3. + -

    So because some don’t claim to be European, they must feel a closeness to the US? What about other countless possibilities?

  4. + -

    Not that they feel more American, but there has been serious effort by the the left wing in Europe to abandon their national identity (British, French, German) for the european or (EU) identity, this debate has been heating up especially since the lisbon treaty has recently passed.

  5. + -

    Unless GB breaks off and drifts away, they are Europeans…

  6. + -

    they are european
    brittian is in europe

  7. + -

    You are American as we are European

  8. + -

    Yes I am European but I think we’re the most civilised in Europe so we’re better. That is an arrogant thought but who gives a shit. They all want to come here anyway.

  9. + -

    We don’t really shun the fact, but we are British not European. Britain is a group of islands and whilst we know that we are part of the continent Europe and part of the EU, to call us European would imply that we lived on the continent, not an island. Of course whilst this is the real reason, you do get some twats who are just ‘proud to be British’ and refuse to assosiate with ‘foreigners’. I think we feel just as close to Eurpose as the USA because whilst we are closer to Europe, we are more similar in culture and language to America.

  10. + -

    They are European but many don’t wish to be part of the Franco-German alliance that they consider the EU to be. GB has resisted being annexed by those two countries for centuries so surrendering sovereignty now seems a betrayal of our past. Such analysis is nonsense, of course.

  11. + -

    Great Britain geographically is in Europe. He probably doesn’t acknowledge that because of all the political mess and doesn’t want to be associated with it.

    That is the way I feel about the president. Obama may be the President of the United States, but I don’t consider him my president because of my views on him, his wife and all his “cronies.”

    Enjoy your relationship with your girlfriend. Just don’t touch that subject with her father since you know it is one you will not win and may only cause a riff between you and him. If he asks you, just tell him that one thing you don’t discuss is politics and religion (an easy way out) and even if he persists, keep on changing the subject. Just don’t you bring it up.

    Hope you have a long and loving relationship with your girl and a great one with her family.

  12. + -

    As a Brit who has lived and worked extensively in several other European countries, yes I am a European. Europe is far more important to Britain in business than America is. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

  13. + -

    No were mostly pakistani now.

  14. + -

    sewrobb – Thank you for some common sense!

    New Zeland is next to Australia but it’s not Australian is it?

    We are not even connected with Europe or don’t share much in common with them,they are foreigners to us.

    That’s why we went out and built our own Empire and created a Anglo-sphere,America,New Zeland,Australia,Canada.

    Great Britain has always been separate from Europe!

    ”We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed.”

    Sir Winston Chruchill

  15. + -

    No never as long as I have a hole in my bum. My country has been given away but I am not European. it is a question of my attitude the the ” European Imposed state” I think it stinks

  16. + -

    I was watching Question Time (UK political debate tv show with politicians from at least the three major political parties and other public figures, who answer questions from an audience) the other evening, and a similar question was brought up about how the British feel about being part of Europe and the signing of the Lisbon Treaty.

    One of the panelists argued that we didn’t have to sign up to be part of a European State to benefit from trade, we could just as easily retained our independence and continued to trade with our European cousins. We don’t hate countries in Europe, we just wish to remain solely that, a United Kingdom AND not be ruled by unknown and unelected people who make decisions for us.

    I think most British people are very proud of their culture and heritage (as are the Americans), We may not fly flags everywhere, but in our hearts we are British/Welsh/Scottish/N.Irish first and being separated by a Channel of water (60 miles wide or 1000 miles wide, doesn’t constitute being part of Europe).

  17. + -

    people our all different i consider myself english but not british but i consider myself European

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