Do you remember your first school trip away from home?

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I went to York circa 13 years of age.

We stayed in a youth hostel. The food was terrible, and we had to take it in turns, to wash up every night. If we needed the toilet during the night, we had to make our way through god knows, how many sleeping travellers. Our parents would have been horrified. Lol.

I still remember the day on the Yorkshire Moors, when they abandoned us in the middle of nowhere and it chucked it down. We were all soaked through to the skin. Lucky none of us developed pneumonia, on the long walk back to the Activity Centre. Still we met a few kindly sheep on the way.

But, i loved York, the city that we stayed in. We went to the National Railway Museum and the Jorvik Viking Centre. For some reason, we didn`t get to see York Minster, and then it burnt down shortly after.

It has just made me think today, as, my neice is going away on her first, away from home, school trip, fairly soon.

Or as a parent, do you worry, about your own children going away, for the first time.



  1. The first day trip away from home was to Hunstanton and the Sea Life Centre, but I had been there on holiday so it wasn't so great. I remember looking at the crabs and starfish, playing on the beach and having a pony ride. I was about 7 years old. My first trip away from home for a week with my primary school was to the Isle of Wight when I was 8. I remember sharing a big room with about 3 bunk beds in and not liking everyone in the room. I remember being lazy and not unpacking all my clothes, going to the beach, visiting an old building, museum, organised games and bring back this glass filled with different coloured sand I chose. It was like an adventure and looking after a bit of money too made me feel older than 8. I think it's good to go on these little trips and give children some independence. Two of my nieces have both now been on school trips to the Peak District and participated in games like climbing practice rock walls and enjoying it.
  2. + -

    Remebr going france , give her independace

  3. + -

    schools are there to keep the b’s in not let em out and about, least was in my day. However to answer the question it was a teacher training conference aka a drinking competition, mixed in with a bit of harmless hanky panky.

  4. + -

    I didn’t do school trips – apart from the odd day out. My first trip away from home was when a group of six of us from school went on a 2 week cycle trip staying at youth hostels. Parents would probably be prosecuted for letting a group of 14 year olds out unsupervised these days. We all survived and we’re still alive half a century later.

    We specialised in playing poker with 16 year old German youth hostellers. They had no card sense – we didn’t even have to cheat.

  5. + -

    I never had one. I went to Boarding School for 6 years and the only ‘school trip’ we were allowed was a Saturday morning shopping trip into the local village. There wasn’t any ‘eye candy’ either to make it worthwhile or entertain us. Slightly frustrating.

  6. + -

    I’d just moved schools (again) and we went to the Isle of Wight, the only thing I really remember is being vaguely homesick and confused and that there was a tree growing through the reception area. Very cool. Oh, and there were model dinosaurs!

  7. + -

    Does Summer Camp Count, Spend the 4th of July Weekend at a Camp at a Nearby Lake around the 3rd Grade.

  8. + -

    York Minster burned down? never … didn’t know that

  9. + -

    Went to Hampshire and stayed in a wee hotel. I remember this distinctly as the maid in the morning was particularly rude and noisy when we were trying to sleep in. We left without leaving a tip for her. ;P

  10. + -

    I went skiing in Italy with the school when I was 13..
    Some girl broke her leg,lots of kids got stomach bugs,and the boys didn’t wash or clean their teeth for a week..and thought it was hilarious to sh*t in the bidets.
    Happy days….

  11. + -

    I never went on any.

    I think it is a worry for any parent. I know the school I work at, they start off with a school trip which is one night away then the next year its another place but two nights and so on. They have a lot of meetings and tell you exactly where your child will be but parents do miss their children and worry about how they are. It’s just natural.

    Aww, hope your niece has fun!

  12. + -

    Cub Camp at 7yo. It was Miskin or Pendoylan.

  13. + -

    at an education centre called bockleton….it was a geography residential….ten days…..

    and oddly they took us to great yarmouth for the day…..

    i remember it fondly…..i was 14

  14. + -

    The only school trip that was ever offered was to Paisley in Scotland. I was taught by Salesian Nuns and apparently they had a sister number up there…as you can imagine we were queueing up for that one. I didn’t go strangely.

    Do remember going to Stratford though when I was about 14. Theres a picture of me sitting on an embankmentt outside the RSC wearing a scarf like the one favoured by Yasser Arrafat.Well it was 1985..

    My daughter was supposed to go to France this year but it was on a first come first serve basis and I didn’t have the deposit money in that short a notice so she missed out. It really pissed me off as she’s never been abroad and most of the kids who went go abroad every year . I understand there are limited places but those families on tight budgets miss out….

  15. + -

    I´m off for a three day field trip witha load of twelve year olds on Wednesday.

    We teachers deserve a medal for putting up with your kids 24/7. We have to have eyes in the back of our head and then some, due to the complaining culture of today´s parents.

    We get 30 quid…
    Who else would work 72 hours solid for 30 quid extra?

    MEDALS NOW!!!!

  16. + -

    I went on a trip, for a week at the coast, with my primary school. It was great; I was doing so well. On the last night I pissed the bed and was paraded in front of my class mates, for being a devious little git. I had tried to swap the mattress for one from an empty bed, during the night and got caught.

    The shame……

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