Does the county of Devon have the most micro-climates in GB?

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For example the Torbay area in the south claims to have the best climate in the British Isles , [partially tourist board hype I’m sure, but possibly some truth,as it is in the south west peninsula, warmed by the Gulf Stream, but hills to the west and north give it some shelter from the Atlantic storms which can spoil the otherwise mild climate of the south west], but 25 or so miles inland Princetown has just about the coldest climate in southern England -south that is of the Derbyshire Peaks- due to its high altitude and exposed location, and lastly the damp climate of some ravines in the Dart Valley and on Dartmoor which contain several plant species which are rare or non-existent in other parts of GB [example – maidenhair fern.



  1. I think micro climates are fairly widespread across GB. Bournemouth and the Isle of Wight have them. I live in the New Forest. I have left home in pouring rain and enjoyed sunshine a few miles away in Bournemouth. Bournemouth Chamber of Commerce regularly complains about Met Office general forecasts keeping tourists away.
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