Gay dating, how to show affection in public?

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Hey, I am currently dating someone yet this is my first time doing this. I we have already established a mutual attraction but whilst we both want to take it further, there is just nowhere to go with a little privacy. I currently live with my Mum and it wouldn’t be possible to take this guy back here, the same applies to him.

I am not necessarily looking for sex right away, just somewhere to explore out feelings further, it is very difficult in public as there is always the risk of attracting the wrong kind of attention. This has me so frustrated!



  1. Societies are changing every day lately, and becoming far more tolerant about such things. However, it is understandable you feel concerned about the need for privacy in order to express your deeper feelings for your friend, and he to you. There is an old expression which comes to mind which I believe is the truest answer for you to ponder. It is - "Love will find a way." I know how common that sounds, but it also so true. Many people are still frightened or put off by gays, but others are more mature and therefore more tolerant. My friend and I used to go for drives out into the country in his car, and this afforded us much privacy to converse, exchange values and completely enjoy one another's good company. I want to add, perhaps your mother is not always vigilant and could bring herself to tolerate you having a friend drop by for tea and some good conversation, but if this is totally out of the question (you know her far better than I), I understand. Going to a movie might be fun, but I realise it doesn't offer the privacy you are looking for. You did not mention your ages, but if you were old enough, perhaps a little weekend vacation somewhere. I have always thought the Isle of Wight would make a wonderful get-away place for an overnight visit, perhaps with a comfortable tent and sleeping bags, to be outdoors overnight, weather and place permitting. But that, of course, precludes you and your friend are outdoor types and would not be put upon by making the preparation and effort such an outing would call for. In other words, that idea might be a little too ambitious for you. I love to kayak, so I would also suggest the two of you glance at that idea, perhaps of going kayaking together, in either two kayaks or one with two seatings. But again, that is a very personal kind of adventure. I do not know where you live, but the two of you might, if you lived in England, explore Warwick Castle or perhaps (if you like ghosts) Chillingham Castle. Nothing will draw two people closer together than being scared out of their wits at the same time. (lol)
  2. + -

    If you were to visit the gay scene in London,Blackpool,Edinburgh,Manchester,Brighton etc your public affection would draw no attendion.

    Why not hire a cheap travelodge hotel for the night?

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