Here’s Some Questions To Keep You All Occupied?

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I Read An Article In Classic Rock Magazine A While Back About Being Influenced By Bands, And Stuff They’ve Made You Do.

1. Have You Ever Done Something Crazy For/In The Spirit Of A Band You Love? What Was It?
2. Do You Have An Idol? Why Do You Idolize Them?
3. What’s Your Favorite Album Of All Time



  1. 1. Yep, on each member of The Who's birthday, I bake a cake, decorate it and watch Isle of Wight (or live at Killburn) with my close Who Loving friends. Kinda nerdy and lame, but the cake was awesome. 2. I don't really have AN idol. I look up to different people, some famous some not. I want to be an idol, though :). 3. Quadrophenia or Who's Next. Cliched, but whatever.
  2. + -

    1. not for a band or artist but for rock music in general i got in a fight with some kid that thought people that listened to rock were idiots… i won

    2. keith moon because he is an amazing drummer

    3. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm appetite for destruction or toys in the attic

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    1. No
    2. No
    3. None in particular

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    1. yes. i learned to play drums because pat kirch from the maine is my hero. and i knew about them before they were even famous.

    2. yes. bill from tokio hotel. because i love him.

    3. our worlds divorce from this providence. its awesome. GO OUT AND GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    1. No, I kind of hate fangirls/boys. However, I did almost fly to another country to see Muse in concert.
    2. Not necessarily but I do think Matt Bellamy is a genius.
    3. Origin of Symmetry by Muse

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    1. Have You Ever Done Something Crazy For/In The Spirit Of A Band You Love? What Was It? Yea I got a Milli Vinilli Tattoo on my back…damn tattoos
    2. Do You Have An Idol? Why Do You Idolize Them? eh, kind of. I am a big fan of John Petrucci, but i dont think hes like “God” or anything.
    3. What’s Your Favorite Album Of All Time Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence by Dream Theater

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    1. No, but I will go to London one day to see Muse in concert.
    2. I don’t idolize anyone. I’m just a fan of many people 🙂
    3. Absolution by Muse

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    1. Oh yeah, flew to different countries just to see concerts, stole a couple of albums, burned an inverted cross into my chest for a Deicide concert (stupid thing to do, might I add), the list goes on.
    2. Ozzy for his incredible song writing skills, Michael Angelo Batio and Randy Rhodes for their incredible guitar skills, Keith Moon and Gene Hoglan for their incredible drum skills, and John Entwhistle and Nefarious for bass skills.
    3. Insane Cephalic Production by Benighted and Follow the Reaper by CoB

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    1. I went skinny-dipping but it was not in the spirit of a band, but it was probably what John Lennon would have wanted. I am an advocate of nudity.
    2. Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse; He grew up in the middle of nowhere in Washington, but through his music, rose up. He has written some of the most important music of the last 20 years.
    3. This is always a tough one, but currently it is “The L

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    1.I have gotten in literally TONS of arguements standing up for bands or artists i like

    2.Artist wise its gotta be Kurt Cobain even though i was born 7 months after b/c i feel he is great OR dave grohl b/c its dg (i love Foo) OR any artist who stands up for their music and doesnt mind if people dont like it i admire most of them

    3.thats hard got to say between nevermind ,Echoes patience and silence, forty licks,the colour and shape and viva la vida

  11. + -

    1. I ate a chili pepper before going to a red hot chili peppers concert. them things are hot!

    2. probably, cuz they rock.

    3. maybe “rain dogs” by tom waits, or “blood sugar sex magik” by the chili peppers, or “horses” by patti smith

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