How can a pensioner move to the Isle of Wight from main land England and get associate housing?

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I am a pensioner on pension credits and wish to move to Isle of Wight to live. 1) How can I get associated/council housing? 2) How do I get my pension credits etc transferred there once I have an address?
Thank you



  1. The Isle of Wight is NOT a seperate country, it's part of Hampshire so the move requirements are the same as anywhere in England. Assuming you are already in Council housing then you need to talk to the Council. There are many exchange schemes available. If you cant get an exchange it could be a long wait as most Councils are short of social housing. Once you have your move arranged it's a simple matter to write to whoever pays your pension. Most likely it's paid into a bank account so you should still be able to access the account from the new address.
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