how do you get a job in organising surfing, snowboarding or extream sports events?

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  1. Can you get to the isle of wight next month, if so check this out there will be an extream sports festival, you can get involved in kite surfing, windsurfing, surfing, snowboarding on a dry slop, all the people and contacts will be at this festival so you may find it good. Thats if your thinking of doing somthing in the uk, setting up a holiday thing for extream sports abroad might be a good idea, an exotic location where not many people go but has the elements of the wild at your doorstep. Good luck dude.... Heres a site to check out, someone already doing what you want to do with the watersport side of things. Bon voyage !!
  2. + -

    If you have to ask this, you aren’t sufficienlty qualified for the job

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