How many people can live in a 3 bed council house in England?

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I have a 3 bed house on the isle of wight run by medina housing and have 2 boys and a girl, My girl has her own room and is 4 and my two boys share and they are 6 and 12. My partner moved in in jan and we are fighting with his ex wife for his son to live with us. If we get custody would my house be over crowded as there will be 3 boys in 1 room and i cant fit 3 beds in the room. Thanks



  1. if you were to claim benefit, it would be based on the following - children of the same sex up to 16 can share, children of the opposite sex up to the age of 10 can share. Have you thought of bunk beds. Have you got a separate dining room, could that not be turned into a bedroom.
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