if every human being on this planet stood side by side,would they fit on the isle of white in the uk?

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  1. No, but they would fit on four of the small islands of the British Isles. Link comimng.....answered before a few weeks ago Spaceman, the Isle of Wight is part of Hampshire. Miss-spelling is out of context of the question. And anyway the cliffs a are white,haha The Isle of Man where I live is independant.
  2. + -

    No because the “experts” that believe they would don’t take into account the amount of illegal immigrants that have dissapeared into the system without having their details recorded.

  3. + -

    The island has a surface area of 148 square miles. That’s 4.13 billion square feet. But the current accepted value for the current world population is 6.7 billion people. So that gives every man woman and child an area of about 9 inches by 9 inches (0.62 sq ft). to stand in. That might work for our feet, if we all crammed together, but our torsos are wider, shoulder to shoulder, front to back.

    Sorry, we wouldn’t fit. Particularly because the actual world population is far beyond the quoted value.

  4. + -

    No, there is no isle of white in the UK!

  5. + -

    Maybe not the isle of wight however, we would all fit onto a surprisingly small area for the wolds population.

    Of course (and adding a bit of stereotyping here), the cheeky Scousers wouldn’t go – too many empty houses to visit!!!

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