I’m getting a puppy from swansea and I live on the isle of wight, can I get her curried over?

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how easy and how much does it cost to Currier a dog from swansea to portsmouth? and who can I get to do it? I can go and collect her but it will save me a 3 hour drive, has anyone done this before?
what difference does it make if a dog courrier does it or if i do it? they stop for regular walks and toilet breaks! silly girl
I’m not putting the pup through anything! the pup is still going to have to be in a car for 3 hours either way , dogs go in cars all the time, your not very good at dog behavier if you really do that for a job, which I find highly unlikely by your ridiculous answer! maxi!



  1. Why would you want to put a pup through this and I am suprised that any breeder will let you have the dog because you don't want to drive three hours to collect it.
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