I’m going on holiday sometime, should I text him?

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I like this boy and even though we haven’t told each other we like each other, somehow I feel he’s not completely indifferent to me, as he makes eye contact with me a lot and we talk together.

But when I go on holiday (it’s not too far away, the Isle of Wight) I’m wondering if I should text him just to see how he is, what he’s been up to, etc. Bearing in mind that I’m 16 and he’s 17. Also that he’s got a younger sister (14) who I think may have an inkling I like him.

Please help!

Thanks to all who reply to this question with a sensible answer, I really need to know.




  1. Yes I think you should text him, you have nothing to lose and that way you will have more of an idea if he likes you too!! Keep it casual though, what you were thinking of saying sounds good, and make sure there's a question in there somewhere as I've found some blokes really don't think they have to reply to a text if you haven't specifically asked something, even when they do like you! If you don't text him you'll probably just be thinking about doing it all the time your on you hols, so just go for it. Good luck hope it works out :)
  2. + -

    I think you leave it whilst your away. Have a good time but try not to think of him all the time and see if he texts you whilst your away.

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