My girlfriend thinking bad of me :(?

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My girlfriend is on holiday in the isle of wight and i have a free house.
I had a couple of mates over during the evening, and i said that 2 of them can stay over the night. One is this girl called Abbie, and one is this guy called John. I didn’t think that it would be a problem with Abbie staying as John said he was also staying, so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable. John decided to leave at 1 in the morning, and i couldn’t just chuck Abbie out.
She was trying to come onto me for most of the night, and my mates had noticed and thought i was flirting back. I WAS NOT FLIRTING BACK.

She ended up staying the night in the spare bed, and nothing happened. I still have a guilty conscience as i would be rather annoyed if my girlfriend has another guy stay at her house.

I told her that Abbie stayed on the couch as to put her mind at ease, cos i didn’t wanna start being accused.

Should i feel bad? :S



  1. You dint tell how your girlfriend is reacting to it.. so cant really help u here.. it wasnt ur fault since ur mate left.. the circumstances said so... talk to ur girl about it...dont let her have ne negative aspects of it.. share evrything... she will trust u for that... gud luck
  2. + -

    as long as you didn’t do anything with this abbie girl then no
    but you should make it clear to her that you don’t like her in that way and you are happy with your girlfriend

  3. + -

    No, don’t feel bad. It’s not your fault John decided to leave, and as you say, nothing happened so there is nothing to feel guilty about.
    Maybe tell your gf the truth that she stayed in the spare room though, as if this Abbie does like you, she may tell people that she stayed at your house in the spare room, and if this gets back to your gf she will wonder why you lied, and also if you lied about that one thing, she may wonder what else you lied about.

  4. + -

    my advise to you, is to not have girls sleep over anymore. I understand eh situation, but the way i see it as, you dont want your girl doing the same thing, then you shouldn’t as well. Granted, it shows a lack of trust if neither of you allow a person of the opposite sex to sleep over even if both you know its just a friend, but in the end, you probably shouldn’t do what you dont want her doing as well. Otherwise hypocrisy comes into play.

    But dont feel bad at all, as long as nothing happened, you’re good.

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