my nan passed away,and i cant stop dreaming about her?

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I was really close to my nan, we had very precious memory’s together. She struggled a 17 year long illness and was in a wheelchair all my life. she died on December the 18th. I miss her so much, but lately i am dreaming of her every night. Sometimes in the dreams she tells me she is happy, or she is being hugged by angels, sometimes I’m the only one who can see her. She is always in her wheelchair though and I’m always a little girl. We are always in her holiday home in isle of Wight. is she visiting me or am i just dreaming of her?



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    Let me ask you if you are a Christian?… then do you know that Angels or your Nan talk to us in our sleep which is when we are at our weakest the worst is that’s when demons love to attack our minds.Pray for discernment to know and only God can help,God Bless

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