plzz hepl me urgent,From Stevenage to isle of wight for this bank holiday.?

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Hello all,

Me and my husbnad plannig to go isle of wight for this bank holiday(may 24th to 26th),we live in stevenage,we checked about price for both return (stevenage to shanklin) by train it comes nearly 120 to 130 pounds.for us it is little expensive we r panning to complete within 100 pounds(only travel).
we booked hotel 2nights 70 ponds for both.

so please help me ?is there is any way to travel within 100 pounds.


2 for £66 is good,could you please give me more information or website link ?
I checked nationalexpress site but they said £90 with return.
Plese give me website for this 2 for £66 offer.




  1. THE FERRY TIKETS ALONE FOR THAT DATE ARE 127 QUID ASSUMING TRAVEL BY CAR I was going to volunteer to play taxi as it would have been a nice day out but as you can see its not a cheap option Good luck i hope you find a solution
  2. + -

    National Express coaches. Cheap as chips.

    Stevenage -> London
    London -> Isle of Wight (Ryde) (£66 for 2 of you)

    Local bus after that.

    That £66 was just for the London to Ryde journey (return).
    I figured as you live in Stevenage you could get a train into London. You’re right, Stevenage to Ryde would cost you £90 return for 2 adults. I think you could both get to London for less than £24, surely??

  3. + -

    Try buying a network travel card costs about £20 but will then knock a third off the price of your ticket.

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