Should We Care About The South London Killings?

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Should so much time and money be spent on these killings?
Should we just let them kill themselves?
Should we care?



  1. Some might say harsh, but I kind of agree. If all these people need to carry guns and be in a gang to get any kind of self worth then we aren't going to be losing any cancer cures if they kill each other. Shame we can't nominate percentages of our tax to be spent or not be spent on certain things. Then we could build a 100ft wall around the Isle of Wight and simply lob these idiots over the top and let them live "Escape from New York" style. Or we could then just fill it with water...
  2. + -

    YES WE SHOULD CARE.what if one of the youngters killed was your own’d want every effort made.

  3. + -

    Give the police a shoot to kill licence.

  4. + -

    How can it be stopped? If you stop and search these kids for guns, the human rights ar**ho**s will create a stink about ‘rights’.

  5. + -

    but stop and search or gowise is based on the following
    As part of anti-terrorism efforts
    If they think you’re carrying a weapon or drugs
    If there has been serious violence or disorder in the vicinity
    If they are looking for a suspect who fits your description ?????

    so the human rights arrrrrr-soles should get a life of their own – human rights is a load of boll- locks its only effective to get some pondlife an award payout of millions – argghh dont get me started

  6. + -

    yes we should care that three people have been murdered
    if it was you would you want people to care if your dead?

  7. + -

    We should care but I doubt if many people do care. We have become so hardened to horrors we accept it as normal and are essentially unshockable. This is the fault of the media.

  8. + -

    awe cmon,you would certainly care if it was one of your own family,wouldn’t you,that’s not a nice thing to ask.of course I care.

  9. + -

    Another intelligent, sensitive questioner tackling the tragic consequences surrounding youth and gun culture with kind respect.

    Should We Care About The South London Killings? Yes.

    Should so much time and money be spent on these killings? Yes, but more needs to be done.

    Should we just let ‘them’ kill themselves? No.

    Should we care? Yes.

    Asking such deep questions (& with such humanity & consideration) it is hard to see how we can still have any social problems at all.

  10. + -

    Nawww not realy…as nobody cares about all the South African Killings… that happens right now as we speak…Sob !!!!

  11. + -

    Most of these killings are gang related and as such they should be left to wipe each other out.

  12. + -

    I think we should care that certain parts of the country are descending into anarchy. What I don’t understand are the ridiculous comments on the bereavement cards like “fallen soldier”. If these kids had to join the army they’d be the first to run away. It’s OK killing boys who aren’t shooting back but being in the army and fighting for your country is a much more difficult thing to do. I get the impression that these kids have got the idea of people “disrespecting” them from America Do they honestly think that their behaviour warrants respect.

  13. + -

    I can kind of see where you’re coming from. If you’re dumb enough to get involved in gang fighting then you do, sometimes, have to face the unpleasant consequences.
    I do think, however, we should care about these killings. We need to look at why gang culture is growing in certain areas and we need to stop it before it escalates and innocent lives are lost.

  14. + -

    i’m afraid i dont care.and no its not because they are colored is because they are a menace to decent law-abiding citezens ,they want to be “gangstas”and strut about with a piece in their pocket,well if you live by the sword,you die by the sword.go to college instead

  15. + -

    Yes we should care. The next person killed could be anyone of us or someone we know.

    I, for one, live closeby to where two of the shootings took place and do care that if I look at someone the wrong way, or accidentally step on someone’s new trainers I could be next.

    If everyone shared the attitude that you have expressed then many more young people would be running around shooting each other. We need to care in order to make these young people realise that killing one another, carrying guns and living the “gangster” lifestyle is not right and will not be tolerated.

    Time and money needs to spent exposing this and taking steps to stop all of this. It’s been going on for a while in my area but hasn’t hit the headlines. Unfortunately, it has taken these incidents for people to stand up and take notice. These recent incidents are not isolated cases by any means and much time and money needs to be spent targetting young men and women, re-educating them and putting them on the right path.

  16. + -

    One answer would be to put police back on the streets and start stop and search again without the need for a reason.
    Also we have “gangsta rap”groups here in the UK if they make videos glorifying drugs,guns,beating up their women then charge them with inciting violence.
    There used to be offences in this country called loitering and loitering with intent if they are still in force use them.

  17. + -

    I am a bus driver…we see things that others don’t see..we see things b4 others, sometimes b4 police…

    I have only one question,…that’s to the parents…

    whats this 13-14 years kids doing on the streets and bus stands at the midnight….most of the time girls….

    I blame Mayor Ken Livingstone 4 this…because these kids got freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…………..others pay ££££££££££££222222222222222222222222222222…
    when his kids are at home???? the kids including girls on the road at midnight some times early mornings…. wt they r doing…

    these politicians just after votes…..
    but what about parents….
    how many asian kids are on the road after dawn….
    all our fault….so just take it

  18. + -

    Not at all. Saves decent people the trouble..

  19. + -

    The bus driver here had a good point. My further point is the people who live in these areas know who the criminals are. Yet they do not come forward with information they have, but scream out that the police should be doing something. True, as one of the fathers of the victims asked for the public to co-operate with the police concerning information. So yes I do care as part of my wage is taken in tax to pay the police to do this job but there’s nothing coming from the community.

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