trying to locate charity advert from Isle of Wight festival 2008?

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This ‘advert’ (for want of a better word). featured a lot of statements like ‘if you have clean water to drink, you are one of 30% of the world’s population’ or something like that (that’s not an exact quote and i don’t know what the real percentage is so don’t pick me up for that). There were a lot of these statements about lots of different issues, not just water. This ‘advert’ was shown between bands on the main stage at the Isle of Wight festival last year. If anyone has any information about where i could find it or even just the text of it, what charity it was for or even if you remember it more clearly than i do, please let me know.
This ‘advert’ (for want of a better word). featured a lot of statements like ‘if you have clean water to drink, you are one of 30% of the world’s population’ or something like that (that’s not an exact quote and i don’t know what the real percentage is so don’t pick me up for that). There were a lot of these statements about lots of different issues, not just water. This ‘advert’ was shown between bands on the main stage at the Isle of Wight festival last year. If anyone has any information about where i could find it or even just the text of it, what charity it was for or even if you remember it more clearly than i do, please let me know.

*New Details* – should have been clearer, sorry. The advert was shown on the large screens on either side of the stage. As far as i know, this was never on television



  1. Do you know what station it was advertised on. Seems to me you could track it down that way. How about the local papers. What you've said about clean water isn't a secret, so you could query it that way. good luck.
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