What are the terrorists in bahrain up to?

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Since the 14th of February 2011, bahraini terrorists have hit to the streets, starting street violence and burning tires and using molotove cocktails and attacking cops… they even have targeted schools. Now in 2012, the terrorist have started using lethal remote detonated bombs and have targeted police points, civilians, and major causeways.. What The Fuck is Going On???



  1. A power struggle, which if won means the end of life as we know it for the majority of people living here. Flower sweetie, my heart goes out to you because you have understandably believed all that you have read. Come here and live it for a month and you will go home with a different viewpoint. They , the shall we polite and call them the opposition have spent years creating a wonderful media network, paying and paving the way for their year of terror. The normal every day people who are terrorised, burnt etc don;t get a day in the world's press which is the true crime. The element who are trying to destroy Bahrain have been working at it for some years now, targeting their own. Burning tires, rubbish bins, exploding cooking gas cylinders daily in their own villages thereby releasing toxic gases that cause cancer and creating a climate of fear. Sure in the past there were terrible abuses here and everyone knew and ignored it. But for the past 15 years or so things have been rapidly changing. The only problem is that those who support the Irani way of living , Islamically and every other way don't like the change because it does not work to their advantage. And there is a major cultural construct here that only ever views the glass as half empty.... The terrorists ( the real ones not the deluded and paid youths from the sink estates in the villages) probably only number 50 at most, but 50 people trained to destroy rather than re-build can do a hell of a lot of damage to a country the size of the Isle of Wight and whose importance to Iran should never be underestimated when trying to see the roots of the problem.. Addition: Guru Hank- the only Saudi invasion is on weekends when a certain section of their population arrive to drink themselves insensible in the hotels!
  2. + -

    No terrorists in Bahrain. The ruling family are terrorizing the people and calling in Saudi tanks to crush the rebellion. The Bahraini government arrested doctors who were helping the injured people in the street.

    They are not terrorists. They are regular people trying to overthrow the Sunni ruling family who oppress the Shia majority. They are supported by the U.S. The U.S. is selling Bahrain government weapons to crush the revolution there.The U.S. is supposedly on the side of human rights but only when it suits them?

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    People in Bahrain are protesting that their country has been invaded by the Saudi Arabians, and is now occupied in the same way that Vichy France was. Doctors who treated the protesters injured in the first riots were tortured and jailed.

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