What do you call people from the Isle of Wight?

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You would call an American a “Yank”, an Irish man a “paddy”, a Scotsman a “Jock”, What would you call someone from the Isle of Wight?



  1. To stay in terms of paddy, yank and jock, Caulkheads is how they call them. The proper way, however, is either Vectensians or Vectians.
  2. + -

    I dont know, Wighties??

  3. + -

    well there are several prisons on the isle of wight, and it is surrounded by water like Alcatraz, and why do they call the main town shanklin.

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    One the main town on the isle of wight is not shanklin, but newport. although it’s called new-port it is in the centre of the isle so no where near water. normally you associate people with something that is famous where they live and the most famous place and most photographed point on the isle is the needles. so maybe you could call then the needles.

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