What’s the taxi fare for a return trip from Cowes to Freshwater, on the Isle of Wight please?

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  1. He is lying! They have the most expensive public transport in the country. I lived there long enough to be stung by them. It will be at least £10 pounds one way probably closer to £13. There are two reasons for this, firstly they can charge what they like because rival firms have a problem with all that water in the way and secondly the brain of an isle of wighter is different to our own. Some of them having never been to the mainland (seriously) They see their 26 mile wide island as vastly bigger than it is so a big trip = big price tag even though its nothing to anyone not from the island. Catch the ferry back to the real world it will at least be cheaper!
  2. + -

    £3.60….and if im lying you can hit me. Im an isle of wight taxi driver.

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