Where did the British royal family live around the 1840’s?

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Was is Westminster Palace, or something different? I was wondering because I’m planning on writing a book where some of it takes place there, and I want to stay true to history. Please help me, I couldn’t find that information anywhere! Thanks!



  1. Buckingham Palace is The Queen's official London residence and was acquired by George III in 1761, but St. James's Palace is the official ceremonial Royal residence. Even today foreign ambassadors are formally accredited to 'the Court of St. James's'. BP was Queen Victoria's London residence and she was the first monarch to formally live there and use it as her main London home. In addition there was Windsor Castle in Berkshire, Sandringham in Norfolk, Balmoral in Scotland and Queen Victoria and Albert built Osborne House on the Isle of Wight as their get-away.
  2. + -

    Hello friend! Interesting question. I have a HUGE book on the British monarchy and I am just looking now. It includes information on all the castles the ruling families have lived in.

    In 1840, Queen Victoria had been ruling for 3 years. In 1840, she married her beloved Prince Albert at St. James Palace on the 10th of February. They had dinner at Buckingham Palace and went to their honeymoon at Windsor.

    According to my book, the family lived at Windsor, Balmoral and their family home of Osborne House on the Isle of Wight.

    I hope that was helpful! I am referencing my book so you can possibly find it on Amazon. It is a great book.

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    Buckingham Palace ..It became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of Queen Victoria, who was the first monarch to reside there

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