Where is the nicest place you’ve ever been to?

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…..mines a little German village called Leubsdorf; quaint little cottages nestling among green hills,very friendly people and lots to eat!



  1. (online, I would say, your previous question.) :) I've been to a lot of places, I would say most of them were nice, my most recent holiday was to Normandy, France, I went to Omaha Beach, that's where the D Day landings took place, it's a lovely beach, but it's quite a spooky place too. I also like the Isle of Wight and Cromer. I have to say the place I love best is my home, it really is where my heart is. :) Thank you for asking such a lovely question. :)
  2. + -

    italy… basically anywhere in italy is my nice place lol

  3. + -

    hawaii or garmish germany

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    i’ve been to the beach in the caribbean, the water was so warm

  5. + -

    I consider Barcelona, Spain the most beautiful city I have ever been, because of the Gaudi influence throughout most of that city.

  6. + -

    A small resteraunt just outside nassau town in the Bahamas. Eating there whils watching a gorgeous sunset was ne of those life defining moments

    Nice Q

  7. + -

    Monaco… it was like a beautiful dream, kinda
    Cannes… ok ok I think that was even better

  8. + -

    madiera! its beautiful! and i saw where christiano ronaldo used to live b4 he earned millions, thats the real reason why i like madiera! and no not the cake! the country!

  9. + -

    Healdsburg in California, cos my brother lives there, and i have been to San Fransisco and Bodega Bay, beautiful places, and Lake Sonoma.

  10. + -

    Srathconnon near Inverness. Bring your own food as it’s miles to the nearest shop. Very few people, lots of deer and stunning views. The most relaxing break I’ve ever been on.

  11. + -

    There are so many.

    Brixham, in Devon, is a very pretty fishing village.

    Just about the whole of Italy is divine.

    I think my vote goes to Venice Beach, California.

  12. + -

    TABA – Egypt. Its right on the Red Sea and you can wade out and look at all the pretty fish in the wate. Fantastic xx

  13. + -

    kefalonia- it has amazin beaches with no pollution n loads of things to do and see i stayed in lassi its great spesh if ur a cat lover!

  14. + -

    The Moon

    I went there a few years ago on an easy-jet space shuttle..

    It was the most peaceful place ive ever been to

  15. + -

    i was in Galashiels for the first time the other day and the country side was really nice!! 🙂

  16. + -

    I went to a german village in the Eiffel Region called Muncshau and it was beautiful…

  17. + -

    Whitley Bay on the NE coast of England

  18. + -

    After all……my mind where I can escape and dream in private. I love my “alone” moments when I can fantasize about a bit anything.
    Physically I could not pinpoint a “place”…..I found too many I loved so…:-)

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