Which is a a better place to live Lymington or Ashbourne?

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Which is better place to live in Lymington in Hampshire or Ashbourne in Derby?
Which has the better view?
Which has the better shops?
Which has the better job offers?
Which is more cheaper?
And who is more friendly?
Can you answer all the questions please thanks



  1. Both such different places really!! Ashbourne is a very pretty market town,with lots of historical buildings and as it sits right on the edge of The Peak District National Park, it does obviously have some stunning views. But, I don't think job prospects there would be great. also, we own a holiday cottage, not too far from here, and I have to say, I don't find the locals to be particularly friendly!! Lymington, again is a very pretty little town on the coast, overlooking the Solent with The Isle Of Wight in the distance, and on the edge of The New Forest., and again, does have some pretty views and scenery. Again, I wouldn't have thought job prospects would be great here........very busy during the summer months when people are backwards and forwards to the Isle of Wight, many people pass through as they are waiting for their ferry crossings! You might be able to find seasonal work for the summer, but winter months might be a bit bleak! I think Lymington is probably just a little more prosperous, as for obvious reasons, this place tends to draw the boating people, and lets face it....its not a cheap hobby!! Depending on where you're from, you might just find it difficult to fit in here.
  2. + -

    They are both really attractive towns surrounded by beautiful countryside. I would choose Lymington as it has a milder climate, is on the national rail system and has better employment prospects

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